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Welcome to my Web site!

    Hey This is Jenn and I want to invite you to my site. I just wanted to take a moment to show you who I am, what I'm like, and the things that I enjoy doing.  I hope by the time you finish reading my site you will have a better understanding of who  I am, the things I like, and the things that I value the most. 

In finding out these things about me, I would like for you to invite me to find out more things about you.  I enjoy meeting new people from all walks of life and locations around the world.  So don't be afraid to open up yourself because I will be glad to let you know about me.  So if you're brave, put down your wall and step into my domain.  We'll have fun getting to know each other. 

I'm a flexible person, I don't ask for much just someone to respect me and the things that shape me as a person. In return, I will respect them and understand his expectations for a successful relationship. Age, race, religion, and any other elements that separate people in a society are not important to me, I just ask that whom ever finds me interesting enough to explore what I have to offer, please be patient and come into my world prepared to learn more about me and most of all enjoy my company.


Here is a list of some of my favorite website that I like to visit.  Take some time and check them out! ;-)

Click Play to Listen to a sample of my favorite song!!

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Communities & Forums

Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures of my friends, family, and pets.


  Here is a list of my favorite online communities and chats.

This site was last updated 07/01/03