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Merries to all visitors. I'm ash_night from livejournal. This is my little storage on the web for all of my random whatnots and whatits.

Please do not take any images/fics etc. from here without my permission. If you would like to get in contact with me, drop me a comment at telling me what and where. As always, do not link directly to the image file, as that would most likely get me kicked off this free service I have.

Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean belong solely to Disney. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom belong to themselves. Me? I'm just here to toy around with them... please don't hurt me!

There we go. A photo manipulation by yours truly. Erased Elizabeth, added in Jack from a different photo though in the same series of images. And I had to replace Jack's arm with a different picture of Jack still. Cropped a bit from the bottom, but until I find a suitable replacement for Jack's hand and Orlando's hand that will have to do. Created using Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and thank you layers! If I screwed up majorly and you can obviously tell it's from two (three) separate photos, write me a comment in my journal and I'll correct it if possible and it'll become a new learning experience.