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Image Coordinate Mapper ©
Version 2.4


Key Points

Program Includes

Program Options


About Results





  The Image Coordinate Mapper © generates image maps using images of any size, that are online or on your computer.

ICM © helps you by building your image maps quickly and easily, then generating the results on-the-fly.ICM © also allows you to edit the results of your maps in real time before copying & pasting them to your web pages.

The ICM © program started out by allowing us to create client - side image maps soley by tracing the outlines of image areas and generating the results dynamically so we could copy & paste the results into our pages and programs.

Now ICM © has grown!
Now ICM© allows us to create server-side image maps in a matter of seconds.

We have also added more area types to the original tracing option.


Key Points

ICM © Some of the key points for the ICM© program are as follows:
  1. ICM © can load images that are already on the internet and by using Explorers browser capabilities generate the code for your image maps quickly and easily.How? Opening the explorer browser gives ICM © the ability to generate a partial code for the client-side preview option and also in the same way posts your results for copy & pasting to your online web editor. Plus, this ability is what gives you the power to update your codes in real time in ICM's © result editors.

  2. This is by far the KEY point in the ICM © Program.You can trace out the areas of your images.NO!, we don't mean pointing & clicking all the way around it, WE MEAN TRACE IT!! With ICM © you pick your starting point and click there, then every where your mouse goes from that point on is recorded by ICM © until you stop it. Every coordinate is then added to your map area.Add this option to the normal area types and that makes a powerful program!

  3. We wanted to be able to map image areas with pin point precision, so we developed 5 multi-colored cursors to use with the ICM © Program. These cursors were designed to be pin-point accurate just for our mapping projects.They are designed as crosshairs but the multi- coloring allows them to change accorrdingly.But that's not the best part, our cursors come with colored centers to aid in mapping areas that aren't exactly straight.You can follow a straight line, curved line or any angle simply by lining the outline to the center color.This will make your mapped areas super tight for transitions etc.

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Program Includes

  • ICM © Image Coordinate Mapper © .EXE

  • Complete Help File - with images to walk you through every step.

  • 5 pin-point accurrate, multi-colored cursors.

  • Sample Image - we added a sample image for you to practice on before going full bore on detailed images that contain fine lines.

  • 3 Examples - 2 examples are shown here!

  • ICM Image Map Animator Script © - That's right!! We have designed a script that will animate your images and maps at the same time. It was going to be a slide show. It allows you to add any number of images & maps, adjust the speed of the animation and you can start & stop the animation at any time.We wanted to have the ability to let users click on areas while the animation was running.
    Users can run the animation, stop it at any particular frame and the image map will already be accessible.
    Note: Currently this script only works in IE browsers.

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  • Program Options

    ICM © gives you a number of options to choose from, and we are in the process of adding more.
    Mapping Options
    Client-Side image maps
    Server-Side image maps
    Image Options:
    Online images

    Offline images

    Image types currently supported- Bitmap,Jpeg,Gif & Png files.
    Area Options:



    The Tracer
    - this is the element that the Image Coordinate Mapper © was originated for, giving us the ability to trace images of any size, design. Meaning our image maps do not have to fit the program, because ICM © fits the mapping technique you need.
    Preview Option for Client-Side image maps:
    Just for client-side image maps we have designed a preview option that will allow you to see the outline of your areas before going for the final results.
    System Requirements:
    Windows 98 or higher

    Running Internet Explorer 5.0 or above

    For results and editors javascript needs to be active on your computer.

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    About The Results: Editors

    ICM © displays results for client-side and server-side image maps, however the results are different for both. This section will break down these differences.
    Client-Side image map results

    Results are generated on the fly and include:

    1. Image tag - with image address & map reference.

    2. Map - the name will be automatically placed in the image tag so there is no mistake in the reference name.

    3. Areas - with name, coordinates, link reference javascript mouse events & Alt tag.
      ( Since you may or may not use some of the added elements you can edit the events in the result editor.)

      Then you can simply copy & paste the results to your web page whether it's online or off!

      The Result Editor for the client-side option allows you to make changes and view the image & map together to see how exact your areas are, Plus, when you are finished making changes just press the update button to update your code in real time.Then just copy & paste the final results to your page.

    Server-Side image map results

    Results are generated on the fly and include:

    1. Image tag - with image address & map reference.

    2. Map Instructions - the map name you specify will be place in the instructions to save the map as

    3. Areas - shape, coordinates, link reference .

      Then you can simply copy & paste the results to your web page whether it's online or off!

      The Result Editor for the server-side option allows you to make changes but not to view the image & map working together. When you are finished making changes just press the update button to update your code in real time.The just copy & paste the final results to your page.

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    These are some screenshots of the ICM© program in action. Each is labled.   
    Screenshot of ICM ready to make a client-side image map using an image offline.
    Screenshot of ICM mapping our sample image.Scroll bars are showing because the image is larger than the main image grid.
    Screenshot of preview window showing the clicked outline of the bear.Done roughly with the tracing option.

    (image was cropped and enlarged to show detail.)
    Screenshot of result editor window after updating the radius of a circle on client-side image map.

    (image was cropped and enlarged to show detail.)

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    Now that you've heard all the details of the program and what it can do we still don't expect you to believe it so we have made up the following examples to show you!

    (Example 2 can only be seen in IE, but the image maps will work in all browsers.
    Tested in IE 5.0, NS4, NS7.
    Example 3 using our ICM Image Map Animator Script © has been eleminated from this page but you will still recieve the script if you order the program.)
    • Eample 1 - This example uses a gif of a skull with brain model. It has a transparent background which didn't seem to effect ICM © a single bit. It's a complex image that contains the skull, veins, occular & nasal cavities, teeth and the left & right hemispheres of the brain.

    • Example 2 - This example uses an animated gif of a world map radar system where the map is an outline of the continents.We made the animation a while back. Continents were traced using ICM © and the original flat frame. This example will show just how tight you can actually make your lines at any angle.Plus you can see the Alt & onClick events in action!
      ( Because of the animation & the number of images used we have added an image preloader, so please be patient.)

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    Purchase ICM Image Coordinate Mapper©

    The ICM Image Coordinate Mapper© gives you what you need to make it in the internet world at half the price of the major competitors.As we continue to build the program and add new scripts, updates and program options, we cannot say the price will always be this low.

    So act now!
    System Requirements:
    Windows 98 or higher

    Running Internet Explorer 5.0 or above

    For results and editors javascript needs to be active on your computer.
    verified by Pay-Pal

    All this for only

    You can purchase the ICM© program by using the security of PAY-PAL.

    Our NS4 & NS7 versions of the program are not available as yet! So keep an eye out for these in the future!Along with more scripts!


    Program Changes : up to now.

    version 2.4
    Re-designed graphics to work with new options.

    Added Help options:

    1. FAQ Search - this will allow users to do a keyword search for answers to possible problems, or questions in general.More Q&A's will be added as they come in.

    2. Help File - We have redesigned our help file from the original program type, to the html style. This will allow us to update the pages and new entries more easily.

    3. Support - We have provided a support link. If you have questions, concerns, comments etc. you can e-mail it to us.Support is limited, but we will do our best to answer any questions.

    version 2.3
    Allows user to make server-side image maps.
    (creates the code for .map files.)

    Server-side maps will only be work when called from the web server, so no previews or javascript events are included in the function.

    Does include the a result editor in case web addresses were initialy posted wrong or need to be changed.Also instructions to setup your SS map.

    Server-side image maps are designed for NCSA servers

    version 2.2
    2 Preview options were added.

    OPTION 1

    PREVIEW - Allows users to preview image areas before generating final result.This will help if there are areas in the tracer or any other that you would like to replace by taking another run at it.

    OPTION 2

    RESULTS EDITOR - After generating the final results the program will reset for the next run.So we have added a preview/editor window to the final results.This will allow the user to make coord. adjustments such as:
    ( diameter of a circle)
    and preview the changes before copy & pasting to your page.Updates the text area and the preview window dynamically in real time.

    added javascript void function to area link refference so when previewing the page does not jump unless there is an actual page link added.

    version 2.1
    Added HOT KEYS for regular mapping types

    1. Circle
    2. Retangle
    3. Polygon 1
    Added onMousedown javascript event to area end.

    version 2.0
    New design interface.

    1. Indicator Light - to tell whether working online of off.

    2. New address bar

      offline - will post the image address on your hard hard drive.

      online - allows you to type the image address.

    3. Scroll Bar options

      Show Bars button - shows the mapping windows scroll bars for mapping larger images this is required.

      Hide Bars button - hide scroll bars for smaller images to keep down distractions.

      Auto Hide scroll bars - hides the mapping windows scrollbars automatically when the image loads to save time on mapping smaller images.

    4. Image Mapping Grid - To aid in determining where the image ends. This should help in allowing the user to the full image area.
    Beginners Section
    1. Labled buttons to help users understand the process and walks you through each step.

    2. Quik Help for fast mapping infomation.

    Expert Button
    When a user becomes confident in their abiltity to use only the HOT KEYS to run the entire program , basically hides the beginner section.

    Results include:
    onMouseOver,onMouseOut & onClick events for adding javascript functions to image maps.
    (Can be edited in your web editor)

    Online Option
    Opens ICM© Entrance Page window behind the ICM© program for copy & pasting generated code to web site editors quickly.

    Image Selection
    You can select bitmap, jpeg, gif & png image files from your hard drive or web site.

    Large Help File
    Getting Started -detailed
    Quick Start - detailed

    5 pin-point accurate cursors in with multiple colors and bright center colors for mapping angles and curves.

    2 HTML examples to setup you new image map within your web page.

    example 2 shows that you can use animated gif files to work with a single image map.

    Also included is DH Creation Station's
    ICM Image Map Animator Script ©
    first edition
    Copyright © 2003

    The animator script will allow you to turn animations into virtual slide show, with stop & start controls. This script animates single images and the corresponding image map refference and allows you to adjust the speed of the animation.

    version 1.0
    Maps images online or on you computer.

    Generates HTML client side code on the fly. (Results)

    Ability to copy & paste results to web page online.

    Opens ICM© Entrance Page window for going to website editors for copy & pasting generated code.

    Uses HOT KEYS to run program elements.

    Let's users trace image areas instead of the point and click approach.

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    We would like to hear your comments or suggestions, so please contact us at

    subject: ICM comments

    Any advertisements sent to us will be ignored!!

    Your name & e-mail address or any other personal information shared with us will not be given out or sold to any third parties or entities.

    Image Coordinate Mapper ©
    Copyright © 2003, DH Creation Station TM