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The Heir Of Slytherin

Our Headboy Alazair Higgins will be supervising this as moderator as our contestants strive to stay alive and find out who is the Heir of Slytherin. No hints here as only the Heir and Alazair know of who the Heir of Slytherin is as our contestants search about. There are 11 contestants in total and you will soon know of their names.

Slytherins who are on the list of contestants: Shadow Muse also a fellow reporter for the Slytherins, Seychelle Delaney whom has been adding delightful angsty positions when role playing, Galadriel Perriwinkle still serving detentions with Professor Snape, Hades Sylverdarkness never a surprise for this Slytherin young lady. Doesn’t stop there, Viola King who has been to my mind roaming about all over HUG, Michelle Scott currently role-playing as the Headmistress of Beauxbatons, and last but not least Ashlee Sully one of our Head Prefects in Slytherin. Now just added is Alicia Jordan who though has not been role-playing much will probably soon be, we all our busy after all eh? As it is just about two thirds of the contestants are in Slytherin.

Ravenclaw: Two people here by the name of Lacey Greengrass and Angharad Granger. Now to this day I will never, ever forget that I have an obsession sort of to the library, for HUG Angharad Granger will be supervising the Library Forum. And Lacey Greengrass, the loquacious Ravenclaw of whom is also the reporter for Ravenclaw. Also of who is unfortunately forgetting that she is one of the contestants due to disbelief, surprise, and shock.

Gryffindor: Hark ‘tis a contestant! By the name of Charisse Fairchilde our only Gryffindor who is one of the contestants also who may be suspected of being the Heir of Slytherin. Goes to show that there is always a chance everywhere in everything.

That is all for now, it is only the beginning after all. Besides of all that I have told you I know nothing else for all that I will inform you of things that are going on as much as I can.