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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy

Welcome to Hogwarts. I plan to make this site as interactive as possible. You can Play quidditch and there will even be a youle ball. Bookmark us and keep comming frequently. As soon as we fix the sorting hat you will be able to enroll into the school.As soon as you are put in a house you will be sent a e-mail with your houses password. In your house you will find a list of classes, and times of the classes. There will also be Quidditch times as well as who you will be playing. You will have a chance to become seeker, chaser,beater, on a first come first serve basis. When you sign up make sure you give us a 1st and 2nd choice if you would like to be a player. We also are in need of teachers and we need four house masters. For now, any suggestions are welcomed, because after all, this is YOUR school for witchcraft and wizardy. we will have a e-mail up shortly as well. If you have any questiong, you will soon be able to enter the headmasters office, or the headmistresses office.