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Welcome to Hoofpac, an on-line sim horse game. Hoofpac is (as I said before) a SIM horse game, therefore nothing in it is real and should not be taken seriously. It is meant as a fun game where horse enthsiasts can come together and have fun while raising and competing with their sim horses. Please feel free to look around and explore the site. And, if you feel inclined too, sign up! Everything is free. I do this on my own free time, and I don't have a fee to play. Its for fun! My e-mail is . Please, if you send me an e-mail, put 'Hoofpac' in the subject line. E-mails run the risk of being deleted or being filtered by the junk mail control otherwise. Thanks! -Ari Hoofpac President: Ari Hoofpac e-mail: Ari's AIM: HorseGal 6612

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