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Help My Halloween Fund

I plan to have the best Halloween party ever. I want to have a color theme. Balck and Red. I plan to buy Black fabric for my walls (because I assume that the place I'll be having it at will not let me paint.) And Red fabric for my celieng with black see through netting swooping down from it. I plan to buy many Balck and Red candles. An iron couldrin (I dont know where to get one yet). Dry ice for my fog chiller. I have a fog machine already, but the fog goes up in everyones face, so with a fog chiller, the fog will linger at the peoples' feet, adding a very creepy effect. If I have the time and money, I also plan to paint symbols on the fabric with blacklight paint. Then when I turn on my black light,(I need more of these)you will see witchcraft symbols. Very nice effect. I need to buy a motion detector for trick-or-treaters. That will cost about $40. Now the reason for this page is the problem of funding. My family is having a hard time with finances right now and I'm between jobs at the moment. If any of you hardcore Halloween fans, or just really nice people, want to send money, I could really use it. Also, I'll need help thinking of places to have the party and recipes for the party. I'm extremely good at cooking, so I'll more than likely be doing most of the cooking. Plus decoratoin ideas and good deals on shopping is greatly appriciated. THANK YOU ALL. And happy Halloween.

p.s.- Keep the spirit of Halloween alive!

Things I need from you:

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