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get rich quick tips

Hello and welcome to the get rich quick page. I am not promissing 1,000,000np in a mounth cause I tried that once and only made 50,000np. Here are a few tips that will help u out.

1) use the shop wizzard. Search for things like magical purple poogle toy, or bottled faeries, or codestones, or any thing that is over 1000np. Keep pressing refresh untill you find someone selling it REALLY cheap. Then buy it and re-sell it right under the shop wizzard. I reasently baught a magical purple poogle toy for 65np and re-sold it for 10,000np!! Faeries are good because newbies find them throughout neopets and sell that for way under their value!! BUT BE CAREFULL, IF YOU ARE RELOCATED TO A LOGIN SITE, MAKE SURE IT HAS A NEOPETS URL IN THE ADDRESS BOX!! IF NOT IMEDIATLY REPORT THE ACCOUNT TO NEOPETS!!

2) play games that are quick and easy but get you a lot of neopoints.

3) go to the once a day places like the snowager and the omlette each time you log on.

4) put all your money in the bank before you log off each time and then when you log on collect your intrest and retrive your neopoints from the bank.

If you have any more tips please contact sequence91.

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