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Beliefs Items Practices Spells Experiences


Hello and welcome to the sacred garden, one of the sparkling brand new eclectic wiccan websites available to anyone who wants to learn or research! I enjoy the wiccan way and hope many other people who come here will as well!

I have been a practicing wiccan since October of 2000 which means this will be the fourth year the beginning of October! Since it has only been four short years since I have started I would like any information of wrong or untrue practices or spells that don't work to come back to me in an understandable form of information to (please!) If you would like your spells or experiences posted on my site, with full rites of ownership to you, then please e-mail me to the above address, I enjoy getting them and they will appear a.s.a.p.! Mostly just explore the site and new information will appear from time to time as I always enjoy visitors. Lastly if you wish to take graphics or link me to your site (which i would be very happy if you do!!!) please feel free to! P.S. I am also very sorry for any pop-ups that are in my site!

~***merry meet and merry part...

...and merry meet again***~



    Moon, moon burning bright

©Summer holidays 2003 & 2004 *ske*