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Updates and News

LFP NEWS (Updated last 30/06/03)| PEEL: Topic of the day is: General Art Gallery.


New stuff. by Emma

Okay, one new scan from Lee of Fry from one of the episodes. You may see a bit of a different content, LFP NEWS is here. News updates on Futurama, and other things. The quote is "Futurama News, when we get it, where we get it." Also, I added PEEL Hot Topic of the day, chosen by me. That all from this fine Saturday


Anything But Fry. by Emma

Welcome to Anything But Fry. Today I have a my art and Lee art. First me, I have three pictures of Fry from Three Hundred Big Boys and other episodes like The Why of Fry.

Now with the first of our fan artist, Lee who owns LFP. He has not one, not two not three but 13! Scan of Fry with other characters with him from all sorts of episodes. I hope you enjoy.

The other pages are out of use for the time being due to they are not finshed yet, I will say when in the future. Please come again.