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My Name : Veronica
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, 5'5
Age: 16
Birthday : August 23, 1986
Artists: Christina , Aaliyah, Michelle Branch, Ashanti, Kelly Clarkson, Fabulous, LiL Mo, Sean Paul...
Bands : The All American Rejcts, Linkin Park, Taking Back Sunday, Lillix...
Idols: Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherpsoon
Hotties: Hayden Christensen, James Franco, Shawn Ashmore, Gregory Smith, Tsyon Ritter, Chester Bennington

Some other things about me... I hate snakes, spiders ..ok well really any insect, ummm people who act all nice to you alone, but then when there with another person they act like your nuttin but shit under a shoe. I hate people who use you when they got no one else, and something that really disturbs me, is when people approach me only to ask where someone else is. Or call me just to ask for someone else's number, that makes me feel real good! Well...I could go on but I do like alot fo stuff you know.. I love music,like that's mostly all i watch during the day Much Music or BET or ummm --> movies [Bring It On, The Ring, Moulin Rouge, Ferris Buller's Day Off, Grease, Spiderman, DD, XMen, Legally Blonde, Sweet Home Alabama...ect] TV [Charmed,Everwood, Seventh Heaven, Gilmore Girls, Smallville,Angel,What I Like About You, Reba, Grounded For Life, Greetings From Tuscon]<--basically the WB shows<-- guys and I'm not a shallow a certain extent. I like being wanted, loved and liked. My friends are important, sunny days ummm going out [even if we do nothing] staying home is'nt bad sometimes a girl needs her space to plot revenge on people she hates. LOL I'm jk..sort of ..well I like the internet duh, it's like sooo important. Hehe i got no life!! Well that's not true, I consider myself to have a pretty great life, even tho I get depressed and pissed off, it is'nt really becuz I hate my life, it's more I hate the things around me, umm more like the obstacles in my freakin way :o) Anyways I'm a happy blondie with a hyper active body, i'm very sensitive to sugar so a lil could kill you. Yeah you. That's if I drive you crazy enough heheheheheheheheheehehehehehee........