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Flowers for Sadie

Sadie is the mother of a dear friend of mine, Sallie Pubal Homza. When I heard that Sadie was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, I wanted to do something. While out in my yard, I decided to take photos of some of the spring flowers. After each shot I thought, "How nice it would be if Sadie knew I was thinking only good thoughts for her on this beautiful spring day".

These pictures are for you, Sadie.

bleeding heart 5/03 Jane Boyd

white bleeding heart 5/03 Jane Boyd

blue delphinium 5/03 Jane Boyd

apple blossom 5/03 Jane Boyd

vinca 5.03 Jane Boyd

lilac 5/03 Jane Boyd

If you have a flower picture to submit for Sadie please send your .jpg, your name and location to You may enclose a short wish for her also.

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Click here for a bigger pic of Sadie!

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