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Play: Title - The smallest of things

Narrator: It was a dark and dreary night, one where the Lord Thunder shook the lands with all his might, and Lady Rain ravaged the forests with tears of rage.

In a lone cabin sat a stranger, puffing his pipe and muttering to himself.

Stranger: *puff puff*

Aie, me old joints ache with this rain.

*puff puff*

Been years since a storm like this one came upon us.

~Nimlas stumbles in~

Nimlas: H.. hhelp me ...

~Nimlas dies~

Stranger: Aie!!!

~Stranger runs to the victim's side~

Stranger: H .. hold on!

*rummages through his pouch*

Jus ... jus' hold on!

*fumbles with a potion*

~ Pause~

Stranger: *sighs*

I was too late, it seems …

~Nerwen comes in~

Nerwen: *gasps*

~Nerwen runs to Nimlas’ side~

Oh, Nimlas!

*grasps Nimlas’ hand*

Dear lover, what misfortune has befallen you?

Please, speak my name once more.

Let me hear your sweet voice,

Lull me to sleep like stars do at night.


Stranger: He is gone, m’lady.

There was nothing to be done.

~Nerwen turns to the stranger~

Nerwen: *wipes tears from her cheeks*

Who are you?

Stranger: A stranger to your lands, though naught

a stranger to your lives.

*runs hand through his wispy hair*

I had once before lived among the Elves.


I am sorry for your loss.

~Short pause~

And I am sorry for the pain the death rede of the fallen brought to you.

Nerwen: *frowns*

How do you know of the death rede?

Unless …


Nerwen: GUARDS!!!

~Guard comes in~

Nerwen: Arrest this human!

He had poisoned my lover, and now he stands before me feigning innocence!

Guard: Uma, m’lady!

Stranger: Now wait!

Wait a moment!

I did no such task!

~Guard stands next to the stranger~

Guard: Then you don’t need to fear.

We will hold you until the matter is resolved.

~End act 1~

Nerwen: ... and then, m’lady, he told of the rede.

As you know, only that which is loved can hear the rede

Or that which has killed!


He is guilty, without a doubt.

Judge: Calm thineself, Elvin childe.

I shalt hear both sides of the tale before my judgment is made.


*folds her wings neatly behind her*

Now tell me your side of the story, stranger.

Stranger: I was walking in yonder woods

When I came upon this cabin.

As the storm was preparing outside,

I walked in to warm my old chilled bones.


It was but a few minutes later

That the Elf came.

He was in ill state, pleading for help.


But I was too late.

And soon after, the death rede came.

Nerwen: *scoffs*

There is proof.

Judge: *eagle eyes flare*

Quiet, Elvin childe, lest I unsheathe my claws.

Nerwen: *frowns*

Judge: Then, stranger, a claim hast been made.

One concerning your knowledge of the rede.

Surely you know, it be thine downfall

Should it proveth thine guilt ...

Stranger: I know a lot of the creatures that live upon these lands.

I know of Faeries, Dragons and Men.

I know of Elves, Goblins and Angels.

I even know of your kind, honorable judge.

Gryphons are rare on these lands

But I know of your kind well.

Yet, I may not say where my knowledge comes from.

For I am under an oath,

One that could cost me my life

Should I choose to break it.

Nerwen: Ah!

What more proof we need!

He is guilty!!!

Judge: QUIET!!!

This is the last outburst I will allow.

Stranger: Please, you must believe me.

I did not kill the Elf.

*clenches fists*

At least allow me to prove my innocence ...

Nerwen: Never!!!

The swift blade of justice will cut you to pieces!

Judge: *lashes tail*


I would not have granted the request.

But you, childe, hast tested my patience.

*draws herself high on her back paws*

Request granted, stranger.

Let us leave to the scene of the crime.

End Act 2

Judge : Now, before I hear from thee, Elvin childe,

Let us hear from the Human,

Let us hear his story.

Stranger : I thank you, honorable Gryphon.

*sighs heavily*

~Stranger takes a seat. ~

Stranger : I was sitting here,

Thinking of the storm that raged out yonder.

*runs hands through his whispy hair*

~Stranger pauses~

The Elf stumbled through the door, asking for help.

I ran to his side, but to no avail.

Nerwen : Lies!

~Nerwen equips her bow~

Since there be no justice here,

I shall take it upon myself to deliver the mortal blow!