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xHe mpro pe: hey
FunkSlapBass60: yo man
xHe mpro pe: hey i forgot to come
xHe mpro pe: yesterday
FunkSlapBass60: nice work
xHe mpro pe: heh
xHe mpro pe: likewise
FunkSlapBass60: what do you mean likewise?
xHe mpro pe: i heard you got first, nie work
xHe mpro pe: nice*
FunkSlapBass60: ahhh
FunkSlapBass60: i see
FunkSlapBass60: who'd you hear from?
FunkSlapBass60: (thanks by the way)
xHe mpro pe: danny
FunkSlapBass60: oh werd
FunkSlapBass60: yup... he came
xHe mpro pe: yea
xHe mpro pe: do you have any songs that aren't on the website?
FunkSlapBass60: yes
FunkSlapBass60: we'
FunkSlapBass60: ve got tons of songs
FunkSlapBass60: the only ones we have recorded are those on the website though
xHe mpro pe: oh
FunkSlapBass60: did you check out the ones on the website?
xHe mpro pe: yeah
xHe mpro pe: how many songs you got
FunkSlapBass60: written
FunkSlapBass60: like 30 or so
FunkSlapBass60: but we can only play like 15 of them live because the other 15 are boring without vocals
FunkSlapBass60: but we found a singer most likely
FunkSlapBass60: so soon we'll be able to play our full arsenal
xHe mpro pe: oh
xHe mpro pe: fun
FunkSlapBass60: yes
FunkSlapBass60: i'm excited
xHe mpro pe: how was toby's band
FunkSlapBass60: he doesnt have a band
FunkSlapBass60: he plays solo
FunkSlapBass60: but he came in 3rd
xHe mpro pe: ohh
xHe mpro pe: he was good?
FunkSlapBass60: i didnt hear him
xHe mpro pe: oh
xHe mpro pe: how many bands played
FunkSlapBass60: it was wierd
FunkSlapBass60: there were 7 bands
FunkSlapBass60: split between two rooms
FunkSlapBass60: and so we set up 2 bands in our room who played
FunkSlapBass60: adn then two bands playe din the other room while the next two bands in our room (us included) set up
FunkSlapBass60: and then it went back and forth from one room to the other
FunkSlapBass60: but we were setting up while toby was playing
FunkSlapBass60: so i couldnt hear him
xHe mpro pe: gotcha
xHe mpro pe: how much did you win
FunkSlapBass60: a bunch
FunkSlapBass60: everyone asks that
FunkSlapBass60: hehe
FunkSlapBass60: $200 plus demo sales
xHe mpro pe: thanks
xHe mpro pe: we're thinking of entering at one point in time
FunkSlapBass60: your local band or your band with matt and jake?
xHe mpro pe: my local band
FunkSlapBass60: at the mamaroneck battle?
xHe mpro pe: any battle
FunkSlapBass60: oh
FunkSlapBass60: werd
FunkSlapBass60: by the way... does Rye have any battles?
xHe mpro pe: i'm not in the band with matt and jake yet
FunkSlapBass60: oh
xHe mpro pe: we have wildside
xHe mpro pe: its once a month
FunkSlapBass60: is it a battle?
xHe mpro pe: no
FunkSlapBass60: how many bands play?
xHe mpro pe: 6-8
FunkSlapBass60: for how long each?
xHe mpro pe: the first friday of every month usually
xHe mpro pe: 30 min set
FunkSlapBass60: really
FunkSlapBass60: how would we get to play there?
FunkSlapBass60: who do we call?
xHe mpro pe: i'm on the staff
xHe mpro pe: i can arrange
FunkSlapBass60: oh yeah?
xHe mpro pe: yeah
xHe mpro pe: you dont make that much money
xHe mpro pe: its at the rye rec
FunkSlapBass60: we don't expect to make any money
FunkSlapBass60: do people come to hear?
xHe mpro pe: yea about 100 people in the room max
xHe mpro pe: then people are outside aswell
FunkSlapBass60: ?
xHe mpro pe: ?
FunkSlapBass60: i asked if people come to listen
FunkSlapBass60: oh
FunkSlapBass60: i got your im
FunkSlapBass60: just my computer sucks
xHe mpro pe: so does your new font
FunkSlapBass60: k
FunkSlapBass60: haha
xHe mpro pe: haha
FunkSlapBass60: it isnt new
FunkSlapBass60: that is my aol font
xHe mpro pe: oh
FunkSlapBass60: now i'm back on aim
xHe mpro pe: gotcha
FunkSlapBass60: i had to switch for a second to get my computer to respond to my messages
FunkSlapBass60: it's fucked up
FunkSlapBass60: anyways... so how do we sign up?
xHe mpro pe: uhmm
xHe mpro pe: well
xHe mpro pe: i tell you
xHe mpro pe: :
xHe mpro pe: what month do you want to play??
xHe mpro pe: then you respond with a month
xHe mpro pe: and then i tell the head person
FunkSlapBass60: can we play in october?
xHe mpro pe: and he adds you
xHe mpro pe: i will ask
FunkSlapBass60: k
FunkSlapBass60: well don't forget
xHe mpro pe: i wont
FunkSlapBass60: thanks man
xHe mpro pe: yup
FunkSlapBass60: when do you think you'll speak with him?
xHe mpro pe: i'll get his email today or tomorrow and i will email him
xHe mpro pe: and if he doesn't email back there is a meeting pretty soon anyway
xHe mpro pe: and i will tell him then
FunkSlapBass60: rock
FunkSlapBass60: thanks
xHe mpro pe: and
xHe mpro pe: mostly punk bands play there
xHe mpro pe: so
xHe mpro pe: and emo
xHe mpro pe: so
xHe mpro pe: do us a favor and serenade us
xHe mpro pe: cuz
xHe mpro pe: punk sucks
FunkSlapBass60: werd
FunkSlapBass60: wherever you play with amateur bands there will be a lot of punk bands
FunkSlapBass60: because punk is easy to play
xHe mpro pe: yea
FunkSlapBass60: you odn't have to be good to play bad punk
FunkSlapBass60: you know?
FunkSlapBass60: and everyone thinks that they can do it
xHe mpro pe: yup
FunkSlapBass60: but they don't realize that they suck and are disrespecting anyone with musical taste budds
FunkSlapBass60: whatever though
xHe mpro pe: h3h
FunkSlapBass60: isn't matts band punk?
xHe mpro pe: i haven't heard them
FunkSlapBass60: oh
FunkSlapBass60: well i could be wrong
xHe mpro pe: i'll play punk if i'm asked to
xHe mpro pe: but its not preferred
FunkSlapBass60: i see
FunkSlapBass60: and i do admit that good punk takes more talent than bad punk (although that was obvious)
xHe mpro pe: haha
xHe mpro pe: true
xHe mpro pe: i dont really like punk in general, whether good or bad
xHe mpro pe: but punk kids are usually the ones that make it cause thats what most kids like these days
FunkSlapBass60: well i happen to share a similar sentiment
FunkSlapBass60: i dont know about that
FunkSlapBass60: depends what make it is defined by
xHe mpro pe: yea
FunkSlapBass60: yes... currently pop-punk-watered down emo is in
FunkSlapBass60: but that will change in the next few months or a year at most probably
FunkSlapBass60: you know
FunkSlapBass60: and plus if that is your definition of "making it"
FunkSlapBass60: i dont want to make it
xHe mpro pe: yea based on the average attention span of people these days
FunkSlapBass60: werd
xHe mpro pe: i want to make it in the sense that i can live off of playing my own music
xHe mpro pe: without selling out
FunkSlapBass60: well in my opinion according to that not many punk bands are making it
FunkSlapBass60: they are selling out first of all
FunkSlapBass60: and second of all they aren't making enough money to live off their music
FunkSlapBass60: in fact with the ucrrent state of the music industry few artists are,e ven ones that are common names
FunkSlapBass60: for example... DMX... someone we'd think is fairly successful... we've all heard his name
FunkSlapBass60: he's in debt $8 million dollars to his record label
xHe mpro pe: thats a bad decision on his part
FunkSlapBass60: so... even though artists dont let us know that they are struggling financially, many are
FunkSlapBass60: it isnt a decision
FunkSlapBass60: it isn't from wasting money
FunkSlapBass60: it is because the record industry is in a terrible state right now
xHe mpro pe: i'm sure he lives in a huge house with several cars
FunkSlapBass60: actually i'm sure that he doesnt
FunkSlapBass60: that's the image he gives off
FunkSlapBass60: thats what he wants us to believe
FunkSlapBass60: he's a rapper
FunkSlapBass60: however in fact i'm sure that isn't the case
FunkSlapBass60: his label wouldn't allow it
FunkSlapBass60: he isn't the only one
xHe mpro pe: he's never been on mtv cribs?
FunkSlapBass60: but many artists who we think are well off actually aren't at all
FunkSlapBass60: i dont recall any episodes with him
FunkSlapBass60: but basically
FunkSlapBass60: the industry is in a terrible terrible state
FunkSlapBass60: and because of the contract that an artist must sign to have a deal with a major label, artists get ripped off so badly
FunkSlapBass60: i dont know how much you know about the business of music
FunkSlapBass60: but basically with major lables
xHe mpro pe: i dont know much
FunkSlapBass60: they give you money to record an album and all the expenses you need
FunkSlapBass60: and to promote it
FunkSlapBass60: and for your live show, etc.
FunkSlapBass60: however.. you have to pay it back later on
FunkSlapBass60: it's called an artists "recoup" or "recoupment"
FunkSlapBass60: and
FunkSlapBass60: with record sales...
FunkSlapBass60: an artist typically gets about 8% of the money amde from sales
FunkSlapBass60: the label gets the other (approximately) 92%
FunkSlapBass60: and from the artists 8% they have to pay off lawyers, copywrites, and every other expense they have
xHe mpro pe: that's one big rip off
FunkSlapBass60: INCLUDING pay their recoupment out of that tiny percentage
FunkSlapBass60: plus... if they are in a band... they have to split what they have left betweent hemselves
FunkSlapBass60: yes... major labels are ass holes
FunkSlapBass60: i've heard that to make any profit at all an artist has to have 3 successful major label releases
FunkSlapBass60: that is why music is shit
FunkSlapBass60: lets say an artist has a big album
FunkSlapBass60: and then they come out with a second album but it doesnt sell so well...
FunkSlapBass60: well they are in big debt
FunkSlapBass60: they have to create music with the sole purpose of selling copies so that they can make money to get out of debt
FunkSlapBass60: that is fucking rediculous
FunkSlapBass60: and particularly because no one is buying cds any more...artists are in even worse shape
FunkSlapBass60: it is such a sad situation
FunkSlapBass60: but it is the reality
FunkSlapBass60: and it is a rip off
FunkSlapBass60: but hey...e veryone wants a major label contract
FunkSlapBass60: and so do i
FunkSlapBass60: because...
FunkSlapBass60: they have the promotion and advertising hook ups
FunkSlapBass60: they can pay to get your cd in the front of every aisle in tower records
FunkSlapBass60: you know?
FunkSlapBass60: they can get 100,000 peopel to your shows
FunkSlapBass60: on a minor label that is very difficult
FunkSlapBass60: on the other hand... you are paying for it yourself even though you are under the illusion that they are paying for it
xHe mpro pe: and plus if you play a lot of lives it helps
FunkSlapBass60: yes
FunkSlapBass60: also if people would stop being theives and actually buy cds it woudl help
xHe mpro pe: yea
FunkSlapBass60: but shows and merchandise all help a lot
xHe mpro pe: yup
FunkSlapBass60: but... for example
FunkSlapBass60: if you have to have a job because you are in debt and you need to make money
FunkSlapBass60: it is hard to have a job that allows you time to travel around to play and tour
FunkSlapBass60: you know?
FunkSlapBass60: plus you need time to write and record and rehearse and shit
FunkSlapBass60: and that is difficult iwht a job
FunkSlapBass60: the solution is for people to buy cds actually
FunkSlapBass60: that is it
xHe mpro pe: yup