My crew

Through the years friends come and go. I know that foresure. Sometimes its really sad and some times you just dont care.

My friends that I know are my friends have been there foe me through some of the silliest things right down to the hardest. These girls have meant or do mean the world to me.

So I just want to take the time to give my gurls the shoutout they deserve. You've been there through my life to help shape my life and helped me become the person that I am today and for that I thank you. You guys dont know how much you mean to me.

For those that are no longer apart of my life I want to thank you too because you were there to help me make the best of things and give me some killer memories.

Heather Angela Me Caribana 2003

These two girls mean the world to me. I know we will always be together. Heather and I have been friends for 10 long years and Angela is my bestfriend. I know that they will always be here for me know matter what happens, as well as I for them. I love these girls

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