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~"Sharing the MAGIC"~

Ever wonder what the Magic of Disney is ? I always thought the characters the rides the shows were the power behind the Magic

It was Dec 12th at Disney’s /MGM studios we had just left the little Mermaid Show and were heading to the back lot tour. We stopped to get some pictures with the Characters on the street by Their trailers. As we stood in Line I saw a mother with her 5 children {all boys} .One of the Boys about 7 years old started Crying and was not very happy. His mother asked him what was Wrong he said he had lost his Autograph Book. The boys Name was Kevin (we know this cause his mother was calling him by his name over and over ) his mother told him she would buy him a new one .~ Well it seems Kevin was going home that day ending a long 7 day vacation at Disney World. And it took him all week to fill that book with signatures . at this point I realized that I was not the only one witnessing this as one of your character companions @ one of the movie trailers saw this also …….Ready hear comes the magic……… Well while seeing this the character escort moved around the side of the trailer and pulled a autograph book from her pocket ! As my eyes watched in total amazement she started to sign probably every character she could think of personalizing them all to Kevin . She then walked over to Kevin and asked him if he knew who Mickey Mouse was?kevin looked up through eyes filled with tears and said “yes” well she then went on to tell Kevin that Mickey heard that he had lost his special book . Well Mickey remembered when he signed his book and how happy it made him well Mickey does not like to see anyone cry at Disney .with that she handed the book to Kevin through pouting eyes Kevin said Thank You and opened the book his face light up with Joy when he saw all the autographs Kevin turned to his brothers and yelled Mickey signed it to “ME”. With that the mother walked up to the escort and asked how much do I owe you ? The character escort looked at her and said “no~no ma’am that is a gift to Kevin from Mickey Mouse well the look on that mothers face only pails by the look on that little boys face…...It was at that moment that I felt the true Disney MAGIC …...5 minutes earlier the only memory that little boy was going to take home was that of disappointment but now both he and I have the magic living in side of us!

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