Devin's Country Site

I do all the Music Videos myself. I wrote the music, and then decided to put it to animation. So I drew all the pictures in paint and then I put them together and made a flipbook stile video. The videos take a lot time to make being that you have to animate all the little movements. I’m not done with my "sun" video but I’m up to 76 pictures so far. Even though about 5 or so of them are just regular colored backgrounds.
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Music videos

The Sun Video Rocking Out Video
The Sun
Rocking Out

The music videos take along time to make so I haven’t finished them yet but I will sometime soon. The videos on the site are not that good in quality if you ask me. That’s because I had to compress them to save space and also so they don’t take so long to download. In fact they take just as long as the songs do by them self’s.