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Satans Place

My Favorite things about Satanism

Dark day to all. I would like to thank you for visiting my site. The purpose of this site is to promote Laveyan Satanism and to help expose the fallacies and Christian lies. I am a member of the Church of Satan yet I am not an authorized spokesperson for the church. The thoughts and opinions on this page are my own and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the church. I tried for twenty five years to believe and live by that idiocy they call Christianity all the while knowing deep within that it was against everything that human beings are. This god they speak of is nothing more than a crutch for the weak, a fantasy to salve their conscience because they are mentally and emotionally unable to take responsability for their own actions. They blame their wrongs on a nonexistant "devil" and give credit for their accomplishments to a nonexistant "god". It is a religion of "sheep" who cannot choose their own course or take responsability for their own choices. It is a very dangerous religion simply for the fact that it teaches our children that they are , I shall use their own wording here, "unworthy", like filthy rags,deserving only of death, unable to live as a person without "God". These statements can destroy a childs sense of self-worth, self esteem ,and make them totally dependant on superstition to live and make decisions. I have improved myself and my quality of life greatly since I found Laveyan Satanism. The philosophy and dogma codified by Anton Szandor Lavey in The Satanic Bible resonated within every fiber of my being, it had the ring of truth that no other has ever had and I have had greaster results in one year as a practicing Satanist than in 25 yrs. of Christianity. Contrary to what it seems this is not a Christian bashing page but an attempt to show the dangers inherent in the Christian religion and the positive effects I personally have had as a Satanist. I do not preach Satanism nor does the church recruit. It is a religion of the "Alien Elite" and only those born to it will or should be attracted to it.

My Favorite Web Sites

church of satan homepage
satanic message board
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!