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Here's a site namer to name your site if you don't know what to name it! For the 1st list, take your 1st initial and match it on the list of adjectives. For the 2nd list, take the number of the day you were born on and match that up. And there you have your site name.

A: Dreamy
B: Glitzy
C: Watermelon
D: Spicey
E: Delicious
F: Crystal
G: Peach
H: Cherry
I: Pink
J: Angelic
K: Honey
L: Icy
M: Magical
N: Enchanted
O: Vanilla
P: Sugary
Q: Irridescent
R: Strawberry
S: Lavender
T: Rainbow
U: Kiwi
V: Sapphire
W: Silver
X: BabyBlue
Y: Twirly
Z: Sparkling

1. Kisses
2. Petals
3. Dewdrop
4. Wish
5. Gem
6. Princess
7. Girlie
8. Flame
9. Shine
10. Moon
11. Beauty
12. Illusions
13. Poof
14. Sweetheart
15. Twinkle
16. Whisper
17. Rose
18. Marshmallow
19. Shimmer
20. Clouds
21. Fantasy
22. Planet
23. Wink
24. Heaven
25. Waterfall
26. Delight
27. Diamond
28. Fairydust
29. Lollipop
30. Comet
31. Swirl