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1) Do not direct link ANYTHING from our site. It is not allowed. Direct linking is stealing our bandwidth, and we only get a little bit of bandwidth. When we run out of bandwidth, our host shuts down our site, and you don't want that to happen right?

2) Do not redistribute any of the graphics on our site. They took a super long time to make. We deserve the credit not you.

5) If you use anything from our site on your site, YOU MUST LINK US! Link back to .

6) Do not click on the forms and send blank one's for fun, it's silly. Make your own site, put a form on it, and click away.

7) If you don't like our site, then just click the little X in the upper right hand corner, instead of spending more time on it to tell us you hate it.

8) Please do not request anything, we don't have the time to do that. If we did, we would put up a request page.

9) Have lots of fun!

Just follow these rules, and your welcome back anytime!