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You can download the palace here :


You can edit alot faster by using pressing ALT for flood fill.
Press CTRL SHIFT H for fliping it.
Press CTRL SHIFT V for fliping it upside down.
When your editing in the box there are some boxes at the bottom.
Head: to hide the smilely head when you wear the av
Ghost: to make it ghost looking or see through
Rare: no one can take that av from you
Anim: to make it Animation
Bounnce: when you wear two Animation avs together they flash back and fouth.
You can all so make an av by clicking new in your prop bag and drawing and then click ok.
You can also get pictures from the internet to the palace by copying it first and then when your on the palace click edit at the top and then Paste multiple props.
An easier way to get around is pressing CTRL G and a room list will pop up.