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                  Before I wrote this, I thought that to talk or to laugh were the only way to liberate the soul for the heart tranquility. Have you ever feel frustrated when you try to say or express an idea or feeling and you just can not find the words to describe it? I’m sure you do. Sometimes there are no words, no images, no anything that help us to express what we are feeling, so we express ourselves in a very interesting and peculiar way, This way is the one that we know as crying.


        Nowadays, people have a wrong idea about crying, this is a consequence of our culture and how we were educated. Maybe some of us think that it’s okay if some one cries, but how many doesn’t fell shy when someone sees us crying? How many try to hide somewhere? (Covering our face, walking faster, hiding in our room, etc.) Everybody in the whole world has cried in a different moment of our lives. Many of us think that crying is a consequence of a bad feeling like decease, anger, etc. but if we think it twice, we could notice that crying express a feeling of sadness but it also express a feeling of joy, emotion, I mean happiness.

El llanto

        “Statistics said that women cry four times more than men because they secrete 60% more of prolan and they need to eliminate it by crying.”[1] Because of our education, it is very common for us to see a woman crying.


 It is also very common that when we were just kids, at school we were bother with nicknames like weeping, crybaby, whiner, etc, just because of crying.


Maybe when you read this you can feel identify because you were the one that bothered the other kids and also I’m sure that you were the one that the other kids bothered. The last thing I wrote show us that it’s not truth that women cry more than men, the real thing is that men hide it. By the same way there are women that don’t like to express their feelings by crying. In general both women and men don’t like to be seen and probably don’t like to cry.


I would like you to remember when was the last time you cried, I don’t mean that time when you crushed your finger, I mean that last time when you really feel the necessity of crying, the necessity to expulse from your body your feelings without using words, maybe the incomprehensibility of that very moment or the frustration. Now remember what happened next. What did you feel when you stop crying? Probably you are thinking in calm, tranquility, joy, pleasure, relief, but I’m sure that you thought in satisfaction. The principal job of crying is to express our sadness and happiness by the tears. Crying has a lot of consequences like: “liberation of tension, good humor, tranquility, sleepiness, tiredness, better understanding of the ideas, diminution of stress and ire in a 40% and of course satisfaction.”[2] (These consequences depend on the person.)


We are so careless about crying, that if you put attention when someone cries you can see that some people yell with suffer and pain, and other people stop breathing and they can’t control it. There are many scientists that explain that the yells and all that stuff are cause by the long time passed from the last time you cried until the present one.


Imagine your life without the necessity of hiding something so natural such as crying, without the pressure of the people that watch us crying, Imagine yourself with the tranquility of not feeling that hole in the soul that asphyxiate forbidding us to express our feelings. The world would change, everybody would have more knowledge about crying and it wouldn’t be used for tantrums or nonsense things. People would have conscience about the importance of crying, it would reduce the stress, the sadness and it would increase the comprehension the joy and the happiness.


The next time you feel that necessity to express your self speaking with your soul and liberating your heart, don’t think it twice, just cry; cry until that hollow completely disappears. And remember that:


“A man, before being a man, is a human ……… and humans cry.”

By Jonathan Robledo Flores


Sello B












Ø     “Crying: The mystery of tears”. William Frey, 1985

Ø     “El llanto: Historia cultural de las lágrimas”; Tom Lutz, 1999




