Mutant X




If you sleep


She was hit. The impact brought her to her knees and if he wouldn’t have been there, she would have fallen. He felt something wet on his shirt as he pulled her close in his arms. He looked down and saw it painted red by her blood.

This couldn’t be, no, not her…


Blood rushed out of the wound in her chest shot by the gun. He saw how she tried to take a deep breath but failed. The red liquid spilled out of her mouth like water.

No, don’t…


They had taken her away from him. Her body of divine perfection laid utterly still on the stretcher while they hurried along the disinfected hallways. Her left arm slipped and fell limp of it, pointing without life towards the floor.


Needles pierced through her skin, her heartbeat beeped loudly and irregular over the monitor. Voices shouted in his ears but he didn’t hear what they were saying. Hands tried to push him out of the way but he didn’t dare to leave or even look away, fearing, the one he loved with so much affection would simply vanish. She couldn’t leave him alone…


Worried eyes of contemplation, whispered words of conversation… He didn’t care. The shadows closed in on him and darkness tried to pull him down. The doctor had a tired and helpless expression on his face. His voice was low and supposed to be soothing but the words he said cut deep into his heart. She had simply died…


He could still feel her in his thoughts. Sometimes she would sneak around up there and leave nothing but love when she left. She was the joy in his life, his soul-mate. But where was the joy now to cure his sadness? No more sunny days, just nights of blackness and an empty space in his bed…


He walked out of her last resting place. Adam probably would get her body later when he’d hear it. He couldn’t stay here any longer, wait for them and tell what had happened. He didn’t know it anyway. He needed to be alone…


The wind pulled on his coat and hair. The last lights of the sun spread its warm light high up the coast where he stood. The rocks fell steep into the steaming ocean with its waves, trying to tear them apart.

He cried. Pain took hold of his heart and crept silently up until it filled his thoughts. Silver tears ran down his blank face. He could cry, he had all reason for it …


The sadness was swept away by anger, his own helplessness overtook even the pain. Furious he shouted his loss in the wind. It wasn’t enough. It rushed over his skin, burned his veins and was simply to much. He shouted again and this time the evening sky was lit up by pure energy blasting from his fingers. The anger he felt since the minute her eyes had broken let the power rush freely through his veins and burned the sky now with silver bolts of lightning. The feeling, he had always carried in his heart simply died the minute she did…


Heartrending sobs shook his entire body as he sank to his knees, unconsciously grabbing the dirt with his hands, spilling his tears over the earth.


She was sleeping now and she slept with God. And he cried for his heart…


He took a deep breath, wrenched with little crying noises, and got on his feet again. The wind had changed and was not pulling him anymore. It blew in his back and helped pushing him forward, step on step. It blew away his tears, too.

He stopped when the tips of his shoes had nothing under them but the cold nights air. His ring gave a buzz. From very far he heard someone calling his name. He took the com-ring of his finger, throwing it powerful into the crashing waves, following the silver flash with his eyes for the split of a second. No one’s been more all alone…


The waves seemed to take a deep breath for a moment before they crashed thundering against the empty coast again. He took another step, spreading his arms wide to embrace her forever in eternity.


Why should I hope to make it through? If you sleep Emma, I sleep too…



The End



