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These are my Character Descriptions for Charleston-By-Night.
I'm looking for pictures that can be altered to fit, or if anyone feels
inspired to draw a pic based on the desc. I'd love it.

Anton "Wily" Kitlinger
(Coyote Pooka Childling)

He is a small, wiry boy, wearing faded highwater jeans, and a too-big t-shirt,
floppy old sandals on his feet. His face is sun-roughened in a way
seldom seen on the young, and his mop of tousled tan-and-grey hair
flops into his face, almost obscuring the grey of his eyes.

((In his fae mien, there are also a pair of pointed grey-and-tan furred ears peeking
up through the hair, and a matching tail through a strategic rent in his jeans.))

Rea Sorte
(Troll Wilder)

Tall, even for her apparent age of 15, her long, black mane of hair
complements denim blue eyes. She wears a soft, brown leather bomber jacket
over an armless, skintight, black shirt that reads (in chimerical lettering...)
"The Place. Because it's Time." Brown-dyed jeans and hiking boots complete the
picture of a healthy young troll.

Roman Maxwell
(Mortal Street Portraiture)

A young man, about 17, with a face that in earlier times might've been
described as "ethereal", or "artistic", for its paleness and his
almost-too-large dark blue eyes. His night-black hair curls over his ears,
and is pulled back with a red-and-black string tie to hang down about
mid-shoulder. He wears a dark red silk-looking shirt(with chalk dust all over it),
tight black pants(likewise), and maroon high-top sneakers.

His satchel looks old, but well taken care of, and his hands are slim and
artistic looking, with hints of paint or color of some sort under the neatly trimmed nails.

Anna A.
(Australian Aborigine, Dreamspeaker, Baruti)

She is about 4ft. tall, dark, with a pile of dark tight curls on her
head, pulled tight back with a bandana. She wears old, well-used denim,
from jeans to jacket, and a pair of well worn hiking boots on her feet.
A soft leather backpack on her back and a six-foot staff, brightly carved
and painted, in her hand, complete the picture.