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Cemmerii Vitioso
Stygian Haruspex of Set

Everyone wants to know where we, dryads, come from or how we were conceived. Well, dear friends, that I cannot tell you but I will be more than glad to tell you what happened when I was found!

Gypsies are wonderful beings! "I remember the first time I saw you, Cemmerii. You were just a baby resting near the river. That was when I decided that I wanted another daughter." That is what Agminon the Gypsy Thief used to tell me all the time. He was the leader of a gypsy caravan. Most of them bastites and sethians. They all looked the same, dark hair, tanned skin, fairly tall...definitely not like me, someone pale and short. Agminon's caravan was traveling from a far land, east of Sable, and decided to camp near the river. Everyone went to sleep after they ate and drank except for Agminon. He sat alone under a tree, watching the moon and praying to Lord Set when he heard what he thought was a cat. He thought he could kill the cat and make some "cat gloves" for the winter. He walked silently, trying to follow the sound. For his surprise it was not a cat what he was me, crying on the ground near the river. He took me to his tent and told one of his oldest daughters to bath and feed me. He went back to the place where he was sitting and he started to pray fervently to Lord Set.. "What is this? is this a sign? How shall I call her, Lord?" He almost died of terror when he heard Set's voice, "You will call her Cemmerii, which means living in eternal darkness. That will be her path and I sent her to you." Agminon fainted and when he was strong enough to stand up he went back to the tent and yelled "Cemmerii Vitioso, my new daughter's name." as he was holding me. The next day I was introduced to the caravan as Cemmerii Vitioso, gift of Set, daughter of Agminon the Gypsy Thief.

Time passed by and I learned their arts, customes, their magic. I had all the things I wanted; books, charms, gadgets... twelve years passed without worries, fears, hate until my thriteenth birthday came. It was a caravan custome to introduce young female adults to the caravan when they turned thirteen years old. Well, this doesn't sound that bad.. The thing is that the girl had to stand naked in the middle of a place surrounded by all the men in the caravan. After two hours of drinking, dancing, and eating in front of the girl, every man was allowed to have sex with the girl even if she didn't want to. I'm a dryad and there is this stigma about us being perverted and slutish. Well, that is not me. No! I didn't want to be taken by sixty-three men at the age of thirteen. It was good to learn magic and being called the little urchin. I "took" some stuff from the clarivoyant's tent and made a potion that tasted just like Raki. So there I was, naked, walking around handing out flagons of my well done Raki. Everyone drank until they passed out. Not even one could stay awake. I packed up my things (a few books, food, and clothes), I left a note in my father's pocket "I'm sorry, father. But this is not what was meant for me."..and I left. I didn't know where to go, I juststarted to wander about until I saw a cemetery. It was late and I needed a safe place to eat and rest. Fortunately, there was a little house there. A cleric of Vivoria lived there and he gave me shelter, healed my wounds, and allowed me to stay there for two weeks. The cleric told me to go west all the time. I didn't have a thing to lose so I decided to walk day and night until one morning I saw the huge gates of Sable City. I was dehydrated and went to the Green Griffon to have something to eat and drink.

A week passed and I already was familiar with the places near the Tavern. I started to explore a bit and found a house, where I rescued a farmer and his wife from a demon. I explored a bit more and found a bed where I could sleep for a few days. I spent time in the adventurer's guild and noticed that everyone was part of a guild. Since I've always wanted to know more about magic I decided to become a Sorceress. I wanted to join the necromancers guild here but Kraxe told me that I will never be accepted because of what I am. I took a boat to Thrace and joined the guild. Solubynn was the first person I met while I was in the guild halls. After him, I met Falcore, my mentor. Mentorship is a bond that will last a lifetime.. that is what I tell all the new apprentices when i tour them.. and it was one of the things I told my mentee, Sinjynn.

The gods favoured the realm with the departure of Wyden, Paladin of Erosia, after "The legend", and a few others sent him to Mortis's realm at the tavern. Wyden was foolish enough to declare war against Vincere and the Church of Set and left his clan on their own. Even children carried banners with the name Wyden crossed over and the name Rilan written on top of it. These are great days.. I am working hard for my church, at the moment I am our church's historian, and events coordinator. The era of Vishnu is over... The era of Lord Set has begun and I am proud to be part of His church.

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