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Hi! My name is Stephano!

My mommy is working on my page right now so it may look a little on the strange side...

About Me

I like a lot of things... do you? Most of the time i can be caught exploring... my favorite place to explore is in MIN...but we can get to that later...Oh yeah i have a great mom named Ace...but i just call her Mom!

When I was barely old enough to live on my own, my mother gave me away to someone she knew would treat me kindly and always love me. When that day came, mother wrapped me up in scrap pieces of cloth, and set me in a basket. With the handle in her mouth, she trotted to a nearby neohome. She placed me on the doorstep and pushed the doorbell with her nose.


Well I suppose you're wondering what a fine gelert such as myself is partial to:

  • Ice Cream
  • Rubber bones
  • Digging
  • Stuff
  • and no list is complete without: Apple Sauce!

Well that's pretty much it for my likes...
Ace: Oh no yu don't...this is the part where I get to embaress you!
Me: No Mom PLEASE don't
Ace: Hehehe you wish... Stephano has a crush on...
Ace: ...a cute lil red gelert named...

Ace: Nokoah
Ace: Stephano...?...Take a breath before you pass out on the floor!
Me: ...OOOOOO...~eep~ *faints*
Ace: *sighs* oh well you should go visit her! She is really nice and she loves visiters!


That was sooo embarrassing! Anyways, before we were so rudely interrupted *glares* these are my dislikes:

  • Dung
  • Swimming
  • Vegtables
  • Chronicle (he creeps me out) *gets whaped on the head by Ace* er I mean...I don't like Tomatos *receives evil glares* meepit *hides*

My Petpet

My petpet's name is Mally. She likes to quack ^^
Mally: I like to do more than that bone-head!
Me: Well ok then Miss Smarty-pants YOU tell them about yourself!
Mally: Fine!

As mentioned above, I love to quack, but that's not all. I also enjoy swimming around, hanging with my other mallard friends, and long strolls on romantic beaches *sighdrool*
Me: 0o;;
Mally: *glare* I was given to Stephano as a gift because petpets are a LOT cheaper than paintbrushes. When Ace came to pick me out, all of the other pets had already been taken. She looked at the precious little mallard and couldn't bare to leave her all alone! I was put with Stephano because she thought maybe I could teach him responsibility and manners. It worked to some extent. *looks over to see Stephano with his eyes crossed and drooling* -.-;; maybe not...

The End

Well, it's been nice *sniff sniff* I wish you could stay longer, but that's all I have to say...
Ace: That's a first!
Me: Quiet!

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