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Bridge Project 2003

Physics of Design
Photo Gallery

Our project idea was to make a bridge. We decided that a bridge alone wouldn't be enough, so we decided to make a website explaining our bridges physics as well as pictures and information on our bridge type. We decided for a challenge we would make a bridge spanning a gap of 18 inches, which is a big step up from what we have done this year. We also wanted to use a wood material like toothpicks, but we wanted a biger material. So we decided to use popsicle sticks and glue. Overall our idea is to make a a brige that is strong but not overly heavy. We believe our design of a truss with a inverted triangle should hold many times its wieght. To learn more about our design, see the results, or find pictures of our bridge and others like it click on the links on the left side of the page.