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Chanté's Homepage




My Family and Friends



Welcome to my web site!

Hi!!  I'm a second year student at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.  I am currently an International Business Major with Spanish and Music Industry as my declared minors.  I am originally from Roanoke, Virginia, and graduated from Salem High School in 2001.  I hope to further my knowledge of other languages by learning French and Japanese while I am here at JMU.  I also hope to pick up a Film Studies minor. 

At home I have three younger siblings and one on the way.  Courtney is six, Aaron is five, and Aleiya is one.   I live with my Aunt Jessica.  My brother Aaron was diagnosed with a PNET Brain Tumor in the fall, so I am at home a lot to spend time with my family.  


Chanté Smith

Favorite Rapper


Favorite Food

Macaroni Cheese

Favorite Bands

Metallica/Dream Theater

Current Favorite Person

Paul Tocco

Favorite Car

'69 Corvette Stingray

This page was last updated on 04/17/03.