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My Book of Shadows

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Some of the spells you will soon see here:

- Slowing down time (so you won't be

late for school or work)

- Sleeping spell (for those people

who can't sleep)

- Finding Spell (lost something?

use this spell!)

- Fairy finding spell (some finding spells

too slow for you? then find it with

the help of your fairy! mind you

its quite more effective)

- Protecting an object spell-

guard your belongings)

- Love spell (this spell is to find

your prince charming not to

make someone fall in love with you)

- Money Spell (attract money)

- To Empower a Toy (is your child

having a bad dream? you can place

an empowered garlic under her bed

or empower her favorite stuffed

animal to protect her from nightmares)




Blessed be!

and remember The Rule of Three:


Ever mind the rule of three?

Three times what thou givest returns to thee

This lesson well, thou must learn

Thee only gets what thou dost earn!