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New Years 2003

Had an offer to go to New York for New Years so we took up the offer. 
Our friend Paul goes to Columbia so we spent the night there. 
We went to see the 911 site, and then snuck past security into Times Square. 
Definitely a LONG and interesting night mobbing the Listerine guy
and also with the people that surrounded us!

A picture of one of the gates across the street from the twin towers.

Another picture of one of the gates. 
If you look closely you can see an Irish flag!

Joe being all cool

Paul letting someone put a Listerine sheet into his mouth.
Note: He's a germophobe.

Joe, John, Me, and some dude that we were talking to.
Behind me is either John or Paul... they both look so much alike I cant tell which one it is. 

Me & Jon

Two pictures of all the confetti coming down and everyone going nuts!

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