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~*DrEaMs ArE ReAl AlL yOu HaVe To Do Is BeLiEve~*

~*Do you ever just get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody? you dont wanna smile and you don't wanna fake being happy...But at the same time, you dunno exactly what is wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand. if you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone. People have stopped being comforting...and being alone never was. At least when you're alone no one will constantly ask you what is wrong and there isn't anyone who wont take 'i don't know' for an answer. you feel the way you do just because. You hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait:(~*

Sometimes thingz happen & we don't know why sometimes things happen and we can't help but cry ..When yOu feel that you can't put up with it anymore - just hoLd on - becuz believe me.. wut doesn't kill u, will only make you strOnger ! - believe me -

life is short.. but a day can last forever.. when did i reaLize i wuz here tO live? Some think life is a big joke but if its a jOke, then that would mean life has no meaning at all -that its all bout games and laughs.. but to me, its a test.. some pass, some fail .. but me .. i'm gonna live life to the absolute fullest becuz my life does have a * meaning *

Y e s t e r d a y -* when you thought boys had coOties.. when frendz were new, dreams were unshattered & worriez few.. When recess wuz t0o short and lyfe too long .. decisionz came easiLy without need to belong .. When storkz delivered the babiez and passiOnz weren't sOo strong.. frendshipz were unbroken ..right wuz right, wrong wuz wrong .. when badd thingz didn't happen .. when o n L y skinned knees brought tearz and the night light in it'z socket quieted all our fearz.. When farewell meant jus for summer & *r e a l* friends didn't part.. the fun weNt on 4Ever & never left a broken hart.

Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the 'moment' and making the best of it without knowing whatz gonna happen next.

G r o w i n g U p -* Picnics with ur mom in the paRk.. crying alone over a brokn hart.. Playing at the playground wit neighborhoOd friendz.. Chillin wit the guyz and partyz that never end Hanging on the corner with the usual lemonade stand ..Cruisin the mall for hotties and liking all the koolest bandz ..a bedroom filled wit doLLz, dresses, and toys.. Highschool years filled with makeup, partiez & boys.. im thinkin about how highschOol is like a whole new world .. i take a look in the mirror and see a women, not a girl.. Childhood goes by s0o quickLy - faster than u'd think seemz like i closed mi eyes and it wuz goNe in a blink ..So listen closely to every word that i say .. Cherish ur yOuth whyle u can, b/c - forever it wont stay -

~*If you live your life being afraid of what people are gonna think of you for every little thing that you do then you might as well not be living. Go ahead, make a fool of yourself, as long as you have fun while doing it.~*

~*It's weird, when your a kid you have this picture of how your life is gonna be, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna end up like that.~*

~*Never forget yesterday, But always live for today, because you never know what tomorrow can bring, or what it can take away.~*

Life is a song -- sing it Life is a game -- play it Life is a challenge -- meet it Life is a dream -- realize it Life is a sacrifice -- offer it Life is love -- enjoy it

~* Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It's means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.~*