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~*A Best Friend is someone who believes in you when you don't even believe in yourself.~*

-*-WhEnEvA i FeEL LyK iM sLiPpIn oFf TrAcK i KnO mUh GiRLz aLwAyS gOt mY bAkh-*-

doesnt matter if you run away, or if you cant find a place to stay.. ill always be there helpin you with boys clothes & hair no matter what happens in your life ill be by your side & take away the strife thru thick & thin, everything within remember that i love you forever even when were not together were not sisters by birth all the time we were apart god brought us together to be sisters by heart

lets be old ladies together- stayin up late lookin at old pics- laughin til our sides ache, telling 'member when' stories- .and when they ask us how long we been friends we say 'o forever-since before we were even born

me w/o my girlz is like a camera wit no flash a stripper with no ass :¦: a car with no gas :¦:

ur the kind of best friendz that could never be replaced our memories are the kind that could never be erased

smiles and tears - giggles and laughs. late night calls and cute photographs. i'll be there for u till da day of mi death best friends forever till my last breath

whenever ur lost jus l0ok behind u \ cuz i`ll be the dumbazz lost with u /

0ur laughs are --»[(L i m i t L e s s)] 0ur mem0ries --»[(c 0 u n t L e s s)] 0ur *friendship* --»[(e N d L e S s

SuM1 OnCe ToLd Me U HaVe 2 TaKe dA GoOd WiT dA bAd DaT wAs 1 tHiNg i MiSuNdAsToOd
BuT wEn TiMeS wEre BaD i ThOuGht iT wAs Da EnD
i JuS rEmEmbA I StiLL hAd mY BeStfRiEnDz!!!

YoU KnOw WhEn SoMEoNe Is Ur BEsT fRiEnD
CoZ eVeN wHeN u GoT a SmiLe oN uR fAcE
ThEy kNoW yOUR bReAkIn dOwN iNsIDE