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Holly's home page

Hiya and welcome to my website. My name is Holly Maguire and I live in Brighton, England. I love animals and I have two rabbits called Willow and Bilbo, and a cat called Safi. I am a vegetarian and animal activist. I think factory farming is disgusting so I don't eat any meat or fish. I only eat free-range eggs and I don't eat any sweets or other foods with gelatine, whey or E's in them. I love writing and make a civil rights magazine along with my friend, Charlotte. The link to our website is down at the bottom of the page. I love reading as well. My top four books are 1. Noughts and crosses by Malorie Blackman 2. Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah 3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte 4.Angela and Diabola by Lynne Reid Banks. I like watching films as well. My favourite films are The Parole Officer, Notting Hill, Don't say a word, The Hours, Ever after. Watch this space for games and quizes.

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My favourite things to do

My Favorite Web sites

My Games website! Play my games and watch the film!
My FACTORY FARMING website, go on it! Go on it!
MY SITE FOR LAUGHS ha ha ha tee tee hee hee
Show Them the truth- My site for my magazine, no graphics but very informative.
The Young Writers Club- , for all you scribblers.
The hunger site, every time you go on this site, their sponsors have to donate a cup of food to starving children!
