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ugtzgametrader (3:21:25 PM): hey
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:21:49 PM): hey whats up
ugtzgametrader (3:22:03 PM): nothing too mcuh
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:22:08 PM): ooh
ugtzgametrader (3:22:35 PM): and yourself

ugtzgametrader (3:22:48 PM): man u went to wally world yesterday and i wasn't working
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:23:04 PM): oh man
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:23:05 PM): really
ugtzgametrader (3:23:24 PM): heh
ugtzgametrader (3:23:29 PM): i work tonight tho
ugtzgametrader (3:23:52 PM): last night tho was probably the worst night i've ever experienced
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:24:50 PM): why!?
ugtzgametrader (3:25:13 PM): it's really embarrasing and it was just freaking horrible
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:25:27 PM): tell me
ugtzgametrader (3:27:04 PM): i dunno if i should cause of the embarrasing part and all but it did make me wonder if i was even remotely attractive to anybody thats for sure
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:27:30 PM): TELL ME
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:27:31 PM): PLEASE
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:27:33 PM): RICHARD
ugtzgametrader (3:27:45 PM): Who is over there or is it just yoiu
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:27:59 PM): JUST ME
ugtzgametrader (3:28:35 PM): heh your going to be the only person i take the time to type this down for and tell
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:28:41 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:28:47 PM): i'll start from the beginning
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:29:31 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:29:32 PM): Ok alex and jessica broke up
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:29:37 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:29:48 PM): like last wednesday it was a year and a half relationship
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:29:53 PM): oka
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:29:54 PM): y
ugtzgametrader (3:30:04 PM): within 24 hrs she has a boyfriend
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:30:08 PM): oh gosh
ugtzgametrader (3:30:10 PM): it was mutual
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:30:29 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:30:50 PM): so then yesterday me and alex go get our haircut
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:30:56 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:31:01 PM): which was ok and then we go get nathan and we all go to town
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:31:08 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:31:33 PM): so nathan is driving and we call in to work saying hey were not going to go to work cause of church
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:31:45 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:31:57 PM): well work calls our house back and says hey we need you to come in and tells the parentals here that we said cause of church
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:32:09 PM): oh man
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:32:17 PM): :-\
ugtzgametrader (3:32:31 PM): so we call the manager and get the thing straighten out saying that we could go tomorrow nite or today and we rather go tomorrow night cause it's easier
ugtzgametrader (3:32:41 PM): and so now he knows
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:32:44 PM): yeah
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:33:18 PM): ..
ugtzgametrader (3:33:24 PM): we call the parentals back and they are freakin out saying we lied and all and we were like call him and chill and that they were the only ones with the problem
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:33:38 PM): yeah..
ugtzgametrader (3:33:56 PM): well they didn't like that and since nathan was driving we made it clear we weren't going to be able to come home until late
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:34:07 PM): right..
ugtzgametrader (3:34:09 PM): and if they wanted us home they would have to come get us
ugtzgametrader (3:34:15 PM): well then we hung up on them
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:34:22 PM): lol okay
ugtzgametrader (3:34:30 PM): so me and alex knew when we got home we were going to have some problems.
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:34:37 PM): right
ugtzgametrader (3:34:42 PM): ok so were in savannah now and were at the mall
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:34:48 PM): right
ugtzgametrader (3:34:48 PM): the savannah mal
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:34:51 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:35:39 PM): we meet up with some gothic ppl that i knew from well reasons on why i knew them we didn't plan to meet them but there was 5 of them and i knew one of them and alex knew one of them and nathan knew another one so it was like wierd that occured
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:36:03 PM): yeah
ugtzgametrader (3:36:08 PM): well we all go to victoria secrets and there is like 6 guys and one girl
ugtzgametrader (3:36:15 PM): so it doesn't look that right to begin with
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:36:23 PM): yeah
ugtzgametrader (3:36:42 PM): well the not so attractive girl goes to try something on
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:36:51 PM): right
ugtzgametrader (3:37:17 PM): well she singly calls me back there to see what she tried on and all the guys like oh shes all yours and i was like shut up it was random but i don't know
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:37:32 PM): righy
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:37:33 PM): t
ugtzgametrader (3:38:01 PM): so we see ashley revelle there and nathan is trying to avoid her cause we were supposed to take her with us
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:38:12 PM): right...
ugtzgametrader (3:38:18 PM): so nathan and the rest of the group split up
ugtzgametrader (3:38:24 PM): and me and alex go get something to eat
ugtzgametrader (3:38:31 PM): well she walks right up to me and gives me a hug
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:38:37 PM): oh gosh
ugtzgametrader (3:38:47 PM): and i was like wha? cause i've really never talked to her before and daniel was there so i was like righttt
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:38:57 PM): yeah
ugtzgametrader (3:39:26 PM): then we leave them go track down nathan and we get nathan to get rid of the rest of the ppl
ugtzgametrader (3:39:36 PM): the plan was us to all find dates and go to the movies
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:39:50 PM): right
ugtzgametrader (3:39:57 PM): well nathan already had a blind date setup and me and alex were supposed to find somebody
ugtzgametrader (3:40:01 PM): so we go back to pooler
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:40:08 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:40:15 PM): and alex calls davona she says yes and right before the movie calls back and says no
ugtzgametrader (3:40:27 PM): i of course don't have anybody to take from the beginning
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:40:39 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:40:58 PM): tho i asked ppl it was slightly like ok why but i got over it
ugtzgametrader (3:41:08 PM): then we go meet the blind date
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:41:14 PM): right
ugtzgametrader (3:41:15 PM): so the plan was to go to the movies
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:41:22 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:41:26 PM): well when we get there the blind dates has 2 more sets of couples
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:41:34 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:41:40 PM): well they all decide to go to the huddle house first and then go back to the movie
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:41:48 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:41:53 PM): so me and alex are like ok were not going were going to find some random ppl
ugtzgametrader (3:42:02 PM): adn go to the movies with
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:42:10 PM): oh gosh
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:42:11 PM): lol
ugtzgametrader (3:42:18 PM): yeah you can repeat that
ugtzgametrader (3:42:21 PM): so anyways
ugtzgametrader (3:42:27 PM): we come upon these two random ppl
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:42:42 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:43:05 PM): i know one of them from a church trip while back and they are both good looking but they just got out of a movie
ugtzgametrader (3:43:10 PM): so were like dar
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:43:21 PM): right
ugtzgametrader (3:43:28 PM): then nathan calls and says were oging putt putt and me and alex are like no way are we doing that
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:43:37 PM): lol
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:43:37 PM): yeah
ugtzgametrader (3:44:13 PM): so we are at the carmike and ashley revelle and daniel just went in to see anger managament
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:44:27 PM): dang
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:44:43 PM): just type alot at one time
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:44:44 PM): lol
ugtzgametrader (3:46:00 PM): well we see these other 2 chicas walking up they are pretty and well they get stopped in the street and the drivers drive off so i tell alex they were just asked and he was like no so we follow them in and to my dismay i see my ex g/f working there yippie for me so i have to go say hey and he goes to talk to them well they tell us yes and blah blah which movie and time
ugtzgametrader (3:46:10 PM): so we go get the tickets and meet them there
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:46:41 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:46:55 PM): so get this we get to the theatre and there is nobody in there but the 2 chicas and 2 guys with the guys (The guys in the truck) they are both sitting right next to them
ugtzgametrader (3:47:12 PM): so we walk up there and are like ok wtf just happened and all
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:47:22 PM): omg
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:47:24 PM): okay
ugtzgametrader (3:48:12 PM): so me and alex leave feeling really bad and all but it was horrible cause the guys were ugly i mean ugly to the point like somebody you wouldn't go out of your way at school to say hey to...and it was like ok am i unattractive from that point
ugtzgametrader (3:49:55 PM): so i talk to the lady and get it to where we can go see angermanagment which i have already seen and we go see it and find ashley revelle and daniel and during the movie i realized damn there is attractive girl here and she isn't with me so another blow to me and oh my gosh it was just so f-ing depressing and then we leave and nathan comes and alex is having problems cause he has been out of the game for a year and a half
ugtzgametrader (3:50:15 PM): so we are like just screw it and we go home waiting to be yelled at as soon as we walk in
ugtzgametrader (3:50:23 PM): well we here and the door is locked
ugtzgametrader (3:50:39 PM): which was oh so great and we finally get in and everybody is a sleep
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:51:41 PM): OMG
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:51:47 PM): that really sucks
ugtzgametrader (3:51:54 PM): we wake up this morning brite and early go to church and then we think everything is ok and all and alex's dad walks in and says your not allowed to drive for a week...and to me he says if you don't stop moping around here i will have to take action and some ARRANGEMents will be made which mean you won't be living with us anymore
ugtzgametrader (3:52:08 PM): so there you go
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:52:19 PM): OMG!!!
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:52:23 PM): you live w/ alex?
ugtzgametrader (3:52:34 PM): yeah i got kicked out of my house
ugtzgametrader (3:52:41 PM): before spring break
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:52:47 PM): oh man
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:52:49 PM): well hey
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:52:52 PM): sorry but i gotta go
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:52:59 PM): im about to go out in the boat
ugtzgametrader (3:53:04 PM): oh ok
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:53:04 PM): so ill ttyl k?
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:53:05 PM): bye bye
ugtzgametrader (3:53:07 PM): byes
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:53:08 PM): sorry about all that
abrcrmbebabe92 (3:53:11 PM): :-Dbye!