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SerenethThe Life Giver. Lady Beauty

Domains: Good, Nature, Elements, Creation, Healing

Symbol: A rose and a sword crossed over a flame with a river underneath

Worshippers: Druids, Rangers, Elementalists

Chosen of Sereneth: Sereneth sometimes calls upon champions for her causes, this adds a +10 to their constitution score.

DogmaBe one with the earth, with nature, and the elements, for they rule over the earth. Cherish life in all its forms and harm none, unless they deal harm upon you or the earth. Always seek the peaceful way out of a fight, but if pressed, act with the fury of nature.

Favored Weapon:Quarter Staff

MykehethThe Life Taker, Lord of the Undead

Domains: Evil, Death, Undeath, Destruction, Greed