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The Lich Kings of Asandria

From the diary of Rygleff the mad:

13, Eightmonth, year of our gods 1523

I have done it! The pool is beautiful, a lovely red color that shines in the light. I waded in it today, up to my knees, as I cursed those above me, up there in the city of "virtue". Miles below I sit, and watch my pool grow. It is not as splendid as the one I created in my tower, in the Skull Barrens, but 'tis will do nicely. Let them try and stop me. They will be swept away by their own dead. I am smiling. They will all die.

As evidenced by this journal found in a temple in Rehaal, Rygleff the mad, later Rygleff the Lich Lord, had built a Pool of Rising in the catacombs beneath the City of Virtue, or Syro, "Miles below I sit" the entry had said, and indeed, the catacombs beneath Syro do descend for miles and miles. Long dismissed as a hoax or a cruel joke by city authorities, it has been recently discovered that there is a Pool of Rising, as evidenced when a horde of walking dead swarmed up from out of sewer grates and holes, killing thousands in their wake. The Priests of Sereneth battled back against the horde, trying to turn them back with divine magic. The dead still came at them, undisturbed by their turning attempts. The Teachers came in mass, holy swords raised, but most were cut down when a few of the undead raised swords of their own, swords that glowed with black flames.

Someone was arming the undead, someone was sending them out to slay the living. The High Priest, Akamire, has gone below, into the catacombs with one hundred acolytes in hopes of finding the source of the threat. It has been a week since they left, and no word of their whereabouts. Divinations on them, and who is responsible for the attack show nothing but shadows.

You have been selected by the church to go into the catacombs and find Akamire and his acolytes, alive or dead, and assist them in any way possible. Tracts of land, slaves, and mountains of gold will be available to you if you succeed. If you fail, if you fall in battle against the horde, you will have a funeral to be remembered. Help us against this threat, before it is too late.