Welcome to Butterfly For Life Welcome to Butterfly For Life
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Welcome to Butterfly For Life

Hi! Thank you for visiting Butterfly For Life. This webpage is for the people who suffer from Anxiety Disorders. I am not a counsellor nor qualified in any shape or form. I am just living evidence that you can overcome an Anxiety Disorder. I suffered one for 1 1/2 years. Doesn't seem like a long time but when you are going through it, it feels like a very long time. I decided to make a website to help other people who suffer from one, to know they are not alone and give people a chance to say how they feel and hear others. So basically to realise you are not alone!!! This page is still very much still under construction. So please bare with me! Feel free to email me on the below address! Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!


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