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andrew's cool website

My Favorite things about my family

My coolset web site

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my self

hello my name is Andrew Debono and I go to Stella maris  Balzan and I live in H'attard and my favorite food is salad.  My hobby is playing on the computer my favorite computer game is football and my favorite website is which every one can visit it and it haze  all the games in the world.  My best friend is Luke and he is also my neighbor.  thank you for visiting my website.  Regards Andrew





my mum's name is Angel and she is very beautiful.  she is the coolest mum she works as a teacher at st.dorothy's.  My dads name is Simon and he works in property so if you are looking for cheep property contact him office 23880000 or mobile 79446688 and he is the coolest dad ever.  My uncle's name is Kevin and my aunt's name is Kristin.  My grand pa's name is Paul Debono. thank you for seeing my web site.  Regards Andrew




my pets name is skipper and he likes to break things and one day we tried to sell him and he was so naughty that no one wanted him. Regards Andrew