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Welcome To My Underground Lair

Ahh, welcome. You seem to have stumbled upon my website. I pity you. Im Robyn and I do believe I'm certifiably insane. But the good kind of insane... Like, I'm not going to eat your eyeballs or anything... I'm not quite that crazy... Anyway, I hope you enjoy my little website that I felt the need to put together because I'm not to be outdone by JOE... Just cause he has a cool website doesn't mean that I can, right? Right... so... There's a lot of retarded stuff on this page so I wouldn't suggest that it be viewed by young chilren, pregnant women, or the elderly. So if you fall into any of those categories, leave now. Ok, now that they're gone, the rest of you enjoy the site.

Stuff on this site

Just in case THIS site isn't retarded enough for you...

Strong Bad Email
Trev's Online Diary
Eric Conveys an Emotion
Socially Insecure Nation Website
