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Movies take up toooooo much space, BUT I got 80 new pictures so have fun! While I try and put the beasts up!

Me at good ol' Duckets being crazy ol' me! NEW!

Me playing both pads a.k.a. Doubles on the DDR pads! NEW!

I know you're saying, "An entire webpage of Andy, how could life be any better?" Well... In case you're tired of staring at pictures of me *LAUGH* you can check out some pictures of my friends! NEW!

And you thought I didn't have any friends.... Well guess what! There were too many friends pictures so I had to make a friends part 2!!! Boo Yow All you unfaithful! NEW!

Quite a few pictures of me playing DDR, etc.

Me in German class! Oh, that crazy German!

Pictures of the young Andy... That's right, I was once young... Short-haired too!

New Movies!!! NOT QUITE YET