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   If you are a knucklehead geek like me you probably watch Tech TV and occasionally get some good and some not so good ideas, from the show. Well when I viewed the show that Kevin explained how to build a "G4" back in December 2002 , I could not resist the challenge of building my own PC that could run that "New Cool OS X " Jaguar.   Well it turned out to be a fun and exciting project never the less. 

     I had some help from the Tech TV article and also from Mac Opz  which became a much greater helpYou must first pick which motherboard that you will use. Because that will set up the rest of the needed parts.

    This project is absolutely  not for a novice builder. I would rate it a 7.5 if a 10 were the hardest. Personally I am not a professional builder, but I have built between 20 to 30 PC’s mostly Windows and a few Linux boxes. This is not any harder, except for the case modifications and rewiring involved.  The other problem you could potentially have is if you get an inoperable part, you probably will not have a part to switch it to see which one is the bad part. 

     Luckily once I received all the parts, it booted right up for me, with no problems.   With the exception of loading the OS, I had to do a low level format (it writes 0,s to drive) after that I was able to boot right from OS X. The only other problem I have is mounting screws for the CPU card, I can't find anything to work. (I finally found some screws at Wal-Mart for 88 cents that worked great.)

Now here is a look at the full project, good luck.  

I did not do thumb nail images for this web, so if you would like a better picture just download it, they have pretty good resolutions. 

**** understand that the material covered in this web is for informational purpose's  only, and the author is not responsible for any and all inaccurate information. If you are not an experienced  PC or system builder, this project is not for you.        


Please email me any questions or comments.

Last updated on Feb. 5, 2003