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Welcome to Miss Clipper's class page!
Important Links


Math Game

Parents' Corner


My future classroom website!


This is where my students and their parents can communicate with me. I will have their assignments posted, as well as links that will help them. Also, there will be important information for parents to get involved in their children's education. Parents will have access to any newsletters I send home, and they will be able to contact me with questions and concerns. This website is one way that technology makes our classroom more productive and more "21st century."

Welcome back to school, students and parents! This is going to be an enjoyable and busy year; I can't wait to get started!

Please don't forget to check your school supply list that I sent home over the summer. We will be using those items immediately, so please have them in class ASAP! Thanks for your cooperation!

Parents, please refer to the packet I sent home the first day and review these materials at your leisure. The last two pages are for you to give me some information about your child. It would be great if you could return those ASAP. Remember, you are your child's first and best teacher! Any information you provide can only help to optimize your son or daughter's learning. Thanks!