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Last update: January 1, 2004 (Happy New Year!!!)

This page here is for my friends in Vienna. Some of them don't speak english (or they claim not to...) BUCHFELDGASSE!! Also, Ich habe diese Website zu euch gegeben, aber es gibt nichts auf deutsch hier. Deshalb versuche ich diese Seite besonders für euch zu machen. Hier gibts nur Bilder von die wunderbare Leute, die in Buchfeldgasse 16 gewohnt haben. Ins besonders 3. Stock und Georg und Martins naturlich. Mehr Bilder! NEU!!!!!! Und Mehr Bilder!

Well, before I left I took a few pictures of my family. SO that I wouldn't totally forget them :) So here they are.

January 3 - 8 The beginnings of my trip and a few thoughts from before hand. My initial thoughts of my host family, and the wonderful experiences in multiple airports and train stations. January 9 My time in Germany really begins, as I get a little more sleep, adjust myself to classes, visit a few castles, look at a few Mercedes and the like.

January 20 More thoughts...

My host family

class at SIT My classmates at the Sprachinstitüt

And a few pics from Strassburg

Fasnet is a little like Carnival, just in southern German style...Even more pictures from Fasnet

Pictures from Stuttgart, and misc.

I went toFreiburg to visit Ellen and had a lot of fun.

Just some random stuff at home in Tübingen. Tübingen and More around Tübingen site.

My last few days in Tübingen

Miscellaneous notes to friends and family! If you have any questions, go ahead and e-mail me and I will try my best to answer. So there isn't much here, but hey if you do have a question...

Ok, I love my family, and I am not the only one in my family who loves to talk. :) My cousin Ben is currently in El Salvador and sent out a mass e-mail. I thought it might be nice for my family to be able to access that from here. So, here is Ben's e-mail. NEW!!!! And here is a newer update from Ben from July 24. Ben also suggested taht I put up his e-mail address so that he can get comments, beacause he loves comments. So here is Ben Hasse


When Fanny (from Tübingen) came to visit I nabbed a photo of her and other MAC students at Heldenburg Platz. Hitler gave a big speach here after he got control of Austria. He had always wanted to be part of the nobility here, so he picked part of their residence for his podium. It is the most recent addition to the Hofburg (palace) in Vienna. It has the National Library, a huge museum with old musical instruments and weapons, and an antique museum. My arrival in Vienna

My introduction to Vienna. Ok, so it is mostly information about my classes, but hey I was studying.

Ok, so I ended up making a website about my classes too, and here it is Class

Theater this is a short bit on all of the plays I saw in Vienna (mostly for class).

Vienna A few pictures from around the city. and more NEW!!!!!! and more

During my spring break I went back to Tübingen for a few days. Then I went to visit my brother Brian in Villingen-Schweningen. Here are a few pictures from my stay in Germany. And then I went to Italy with Jenny and Jerusha. First Jen and I went to Florence. Then the three of us went to Sorrento and Pompei. And lastly, I went by myself to see Venice, because I have always wanted to.

After returning from Spring Break in Italy, I had a week of classes before I headed of to Prague with my study abroad group. Once again I am confused as to which name I should use. Prague in english, Prag auf Deutsch and then Praha is Prague in Czech. Anyway here are my thoughts on Prague, Prag, Praha.

Pics from Prague, Prag, Praha. ! And More!

After getting back from Prag, we had two weeks of school before we left agian. This time we went to Berlin. And now I have some pictures from there for you. Berlin pics.

At some point in time we all went to this nice cafe/bakery in the middle of Vienna. This cafe has special Marzipan cakes. They make busts of famous people. Since we do come from Macalester, and Macalester is obsessed with Kofi Annon, and this cafe had a Kofi Annon bust, we had to take group pictures there. So here is the group of us posing with a cake.

We also took a day to study Vienna's country history. It has a very hard day. It started out with a difficult bus ride in an over crowded bus. Then a boring tour with no excitement. Then the worst part, they made us visit a farm to taste the farmer's harvest. And all in one day. (ok, so I am being completely sarcastic, it was really cool, take a look)

Here is a picture from the farmer's. Colin is looking at his wine. Then in the back row we have Erin, Matthew, Linda (the Theater Professor), Jerusha, Milla, Nicky (Milla's friend), Antonia (the Art and History Professor) and Audun. Jenny is kneeling and so are Jan and I.

So after my classes finished (or almost finished) I looked up at my bookshelf and I saw five books in English. What could they be? They were Babylon 5 books. And I was thinking, "Those are not mine, but they are in English, lets read them." After I finished reading them. I thought, "I should give these horrible books to their rightful owner." So I visited Danka. And here are the Pictures.

Ok, I did eventually have to leave Vienna. Here is a bit about my Last few days.

NEW!!!!!! But then I went to Cyprus!!! And visited my friend Artemis from Macalester. So finally I have pictures from there! Pictures of Cyprus and more.

I am going to add one more page of pictures with German subtitles with me and a few friends jumping on Trampolines. I will also add english subtitles to all the pictures with German subtitles. but give me a week or two.

Brought to you by the computer illiterate Kristina a.k.a Kat