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Welcome to Javid Groughlin


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Welcome to my Web site!

This site is dedicated to two incredibly gay people, David Gronski and Jeff McLaughlin. They both live within a quarter mile from each other and they are such fags! Neither of them have any friends. My site's sole purpose is to not only destroy any shreds of self-esteem left in either of these queers, but to share with the web that these guys suck ass. 

Favorite Links


These links are purely NON-GAY!!! There actually pretty funny.

bulletcamir stories
bulletlearn to speak black

These links is gay.

 Its raining men...

oh goodie, more queers for Jeff and David.

*****Important**** This is not a gay bashing site, please do not send me emails that say I'm a homophobic bigot. This is purely to piss off some of my friends.  

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This site was last updated 06/18/03