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Approximately seven days later, its hard to tell when your environment doesn't have a clock or the lights dont vary in intensity, I was taken to the central examining area, where my blood was examined, as well as a sliver of bone. The next 'day' I was taken back to the examining area and strapped down in front of an imposing piece of machinery, which looked to be a combination of a gene-splicer and something which at the time I couldn't identify. The examining beings, which resembled nothing more than floating metallic shells, made sure to strap each of my limbs down, including my tails, which made me very nervous, they then took a small vial, which I later found out contained a sample of Boomyrs DNA, and locked it into place on the apparatus. When they activated the device I was bathed in a shimmering light, which was then followed by a prick on my belly when something needle-like broke the skin, shortly thereafter every muscle in my body tensed as if my nerves were on fire, my hair shivering from my ear tips to my toes as the change they had made became evident, at least to them.

I was taken back to my cell, in a semi-conscious state, where I was left to recover from what had been done to me. As I regained my wits, I gradually noticed that if I concentrated I could change my fur color, then I noticed that I could grasp things with each of my tails, using them as hands, in a prehensile fashion. I curled up into a ball as I realized exactly what had been done, though not fully realizing the depth of what had been done, or what was in store for me.

Two days after the 'scientists' deemed I was recovered from the first procedure I was taken back to the examination room and again placed before the apparatus, this time they had two vials, one of Welfes' DNA, the other with Thyms'. It seems as if they were going to be giving me a double dose of the treatment, the fasteners on the table seemed to be doubly reinforced against possible escape. When they activated the apparatus, I started cursing them in every language I knew, fluently and in great detail, letting them know just what I thought of them and their experiments. The pain I felt before passing out was excruciating in the extreme, as if every nerve in my body was on fire.

I awoke back in my cell, not conscious of how much time might have passed, but with a sense that things were dramatically different. The first major change I noticed was that my fur was an odd red/black/grey brindle pattern, the muscles underneath seemingly magnified in density and strength. I put my subtly changed hand to my muzzle, feeling the changes that I couldn't easily see, such as to my teeth and to the structure of my face. I then noticed that I seemed to be able to manipulate the speed at which I moved, the fluorescent lights in the cage supplying the strobe effect necessary to observe this effect. Then I noticed something very different about the cell I was in, I could sense that the thickness of the walls had been increased, as well as the density, additional bracings places into the exterior of the room. They had placed me into the ninth cell, all the way at the end of the hall, the most secure and hardest to escape from.

The next time they came for me I was asleep, drugged through the food that they were feeding us. I woke up while they were fastening me to the table and I immediately started trying to fight back, but they stunned me with a tazer, leaving me just conscious enough to witness what was going to occur. They seemed to want to rush the addition of the next two samples of DNA, one from RayneŽk the other from Hanke. When they activated the apparatus this time I immediately became aware of something, the beings that were doing this to me were excited by what they were doing, what they were putting me through was physically exciting them. This realization was worse than what they were physically doing to me, as the pain this time also brought down my psionic shields, causing me to experience just how excited they were by what they were doing, mentally raping me with their thoughts. The last thing I remember before blacking out was a sort of red haze filling my vision, a rising feral hate filling my soul.

When I awoke back in my secure cell I immediately became aware of one major difference, I could sense the heat signatures of my fellow captives through the walls of my cell, another facet of my mind taking in the spikes that were growing from the backs of my arms, somehow being able to focus on both simultaneously. I adapted well to the newfound abilities, realizing that they were going to be adding the final two the next time that they came for me, but I also took the time to bolster my psionic defenses, so I wouldn't be forced to experience what my captors felt when they were experimenting on me. I also developed a regimen of exercises, which helped me to adapt to the changed balance and quickness that I now had.

When they came to add the final two samples of DNA I went peacefully, knowing by this time that struggling was futile. I took the opportunity to skim the minds of my captors before their excitement overtook them, and discovered what it was that they were doing to me, and what they were planning to do to the rest of the captives once they had studied the effects upon me. As they strapped me down in front of what I now knew was a temporal gene splicer, which is how they were making the DNA mesh so well with mine ~ in effect after I was operated on by the apparatus it was like I was born with that DNA, but as if that DNA had been 'awakened' once I came into captivity. The last two samples, from SsAaNn and PyTyR made the first cycle complete, that of introducing the DNA into mine, but I also sensed that once they thought I had adapted to the changes well enough they would do similar things to my fellow captives, and adding all the samples simultaneously, not giving them the rest that they gave me.

Unfortunately for my captors I learned to adapt more quickly than they thought possible, I was also able to hide my adaptations from them for the most part. Approximately a month after I was gifted with the final samples my captors decided to go ahead with their plans anyway, despite having a reason to believe that what they had done was a success. The night that I discovered that, seeing it in the minds of the beings closest to me, I finally let lose the rage that had been building within me during the 'tests' that they had put me through. The pain of my transformation tore a grating snarl from me as I tapped into the chaos within, the world growing dimmer as I gave into the baser instincts of my new form, the last thing I remember was the walls of the room buckling outwards as I grew into the chaos incarnation of myself.

{From a surveillance camera}[fuzzy / static filled picture] You see a shot of what appears to be a storm crashing through a metal city, [the camera focuses] you see that its not rain but liquid metal fur, [the camera pulls out as much as possible, then view is switched to a camera further away] you see what appears to be a macroscopic wolf, you judge its length to be somewhere on the order of 5000 feet, the eyes of the beast are a eerie blood red in color, with little sanity evidenced within, the teeth within the foaming muzzle glinting a metallic blue as they crunch down on buildings and the people within, [horizontal roll on video screen, clearing to reveal the sight of the station, only seven buildings still intact.]

When I awoke from my rampage I was being tended to by my fellow captives, who I had freed but not harmed in the destruction of the rest of the station. Hanke spoke to me when sie saw that I was recovered enough to understand hir, "Saski, we need your help. We cannot operate the communication station." I looked to the rest and murmured hoarsely, "I can help get you out of here, just get me to that communication station, please." They lead me to the semi-intact Com center, where I found out what was wrong with it, and adjusting to its alien layout and design. I eventually made contact with the FTS Deerling, signaling them that I was alive and needed some assistance and had some new friends to be picked up as well. When I saw the captain I was momentarily confused, but the response I got back made everything clear. [Com voice] "Saski, gods we thought you were a legend, its been nearly a thousand years since you disappeared, that station you're calling from is situated close to the time-dilation horizon of a black hole. Your captain left standing orders to keep an ear out for you just in case you survived your abduction. My name is Tybyryous, it'll be an honor finally meeting you, ancestor." I blinked, but he merely smiled, and said, "I'll tell you when I see you."

Boarding the shuttle was a relief, and once I was far enough away I had the pilot pause, "I want to send a message to those who would think to follow in those footsteps." I stepped to the rear of the shuttle, taking in the sight of the station, gathering in my energies and tapping into the potential energies around me. I then muttered, "Stay back, please, this wont take long." I then made as if to shoot an arrow at the station, all the energies gathered following the path delineated by the shot, a minute later the station glowed white as all the molecules within reached their greatest potential energy and destabilized, the resultant explosion being swallowed up by the black hole, "there ends one of the most evil things I have ever encountered, in a cleaner fashion than it deserved." Noticing the startled looks from those who were with me I said, "Destabilize, it turned every atom and molecule within the station into its most volatile isotope. Its not something I cast lightly, but I couldn't leave the station hanging there for others to explore and get ideas of following in those beings footsteps." There were nods of agreement from my fellow cell mates, which seemed to convince the crew members on the shuttle.

Table of ContentswhyChapter 3whyChapter 4whyChapter 5