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Nearing my 28th birthday, ship time, the ship received a message, horribly garbled at first, that seemed to be from another family member who had escaped. The message had allot of information in it that was only known by family members, or those close to them. When my ship tried messaging the person back, they only received a fragment of a message back, as if the person had been interrupted while speaking. I petitioned the captain to allow me to investigate the signal, and its veracity, and shi agreed, detailing a pair of the security contingent to go with me to cover me if it were to be something other than it appeared. I spoke with Pothia, and she agreed that it was something that I had to check out, just to put more closure on my life. I used the shuttlecraft to travel to the station of origin for the message, as the ship had a valuable cargo to be delivered nearby.

Upon landing on the station I swiftly became aware of the fact that I was being watched, covertly. I took residence in one of the spacer's hostels near to the landing pad, then used the computer systems available within to search for the location that was visible in the first part of the transmission. The night that I found it, one of the two security detail was waylaid and gotten drop-dead drunk, only his high tolerance for alcohol let him survive at all, but it took allot of effort to heal the damage done and get him sobered up. When I left to scout the location with the security furs, I grew more and more nervous, due to the fact that the sense of being watched never left me, even though I couldn't sense who was doing the watching with any of my senses. As we came upon the location where the transmissions had been made from and I grew more and more nervous, as did the security furs, the building was at the end of a long, narrow, winding passageway, which had multiple places for people to lurk in unobserved. I made a sweep of the street using my psi gifts, but I couldn't detect anyone lurking within the range of my senses. This didn't make us any less nervous; in fact it made us more so, due to the nagging feeling that we were being watched. As we edged closer to the building I noticed a deadening of my psi gifts, as if something within were jamming my abilities, and had been especially designed to do so, just for my peculiar range of abilities, as one of the security team had similar gifts, but wasn't being affected, they just didn't have the same range as I did.

When we reached the doorway of the building, we set up a pair of sentry bots, thinking that we at least would be alerted to the presence of movement outside, we armed them with both peaceful and deadly force options. We then cautiously entered the building, trying to keep alert to what clues were there, we thought we were being suitably cautious with our approach, but soon thereafter the first security fur was stunned unconscious. I quietly shape-shifted to my 'taur form and took the unconscious fur up onto my back, I then looked at the remaining fur and muttered, "this is not safe, we should get out of here quickly," he nodded and took the point, guarding me from the front, the weight of the fur on my back slowing us down slightly. When we neared the exit, I noticed that the sentry bots had been disabled and disassembled, I got the attention of the security fur, but then a movement in the corner distracted him for a crucial moment, a stun-bolt catching him on the side of his head. I quickly raised the last of my defenses, letting the fur on my back slip to the floor. The ensuing battle was brief but intense, I was aided in my endeavor to escape by the fact that they seemed to want to take me alive and relatively unharmed, I on the other hand felt as if I were fighting for my life, so I didn't hold back on any of my punches or kicks ~ I know I critically injured at least five of my assailants before being overwhelmed.

Table of ContentswhyChapter 1whyChapter 2whyChapter 3