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Beth's Home Page

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Miller, although friends call me Beth. I'm currently 22 years old (on Thursday), and live near Potosi, MO. I currently inside a dorm room at the premier technological university in the state of Missouri, UMR. I"m majoring in Chemistry-biochemistry, and plan to go into research after I get my Ph. D. I have quit playing yu-gi-oh at the request of my parents, but I continue to go to church at hang out with friends. the Yu-gi -oh links is gone for good.

Feel free to check out the links below. The links are to my school and my blog.

Update: Working on a contuation of the "The Yu-Gi-Oh Card Art Controversy". I will place the link to it in the Yu-Gi-Oh section when it's done.

Update 4-28-2005: I have a new blog page, check it out and comments would also be appreciated.

Beths Blog

Update 2-5-2006: Finally, a long-due update. I have deleted the Yu-Gi-Oh links and teh accompanying articles as I have quit playing the game. However, I kept the pictures for later use.

Update 3-14-2006: I deleted the yu-gi-oh pictures to save disk space. I'm starting a new article project for Holocaust Remembrance Day on april 25. To start out I will make a photo gallery of images of the that period.

A WORD OF CAUTION: These pictures are graphic in nature and viewer disrection is strongly advised. If you are offended in anyway by these photos, do not enter this portion of the site.

favorite Links + article link

UMR's Campus Gateway
The Baptist Student Union
The BSU Forums
Holocaust photo gallery

My Hobbies
