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About Amy Lee
Full Name: Amy Lynn Lee

Birthdate: December 13th, 1981

Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Riverside,California - Parkview Hospital

Where She Grew Up: West Mount Beach , Florida and Little Rock, Arkansas

Siblings: Robbie (9), Carrie (14), Laurie (12)

Parents: John, raido personality, and Sara

Natural Hair Color: Light Brown/Dark Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Status: In a relationship Shaun Morgan of the band Seether

Songs Credited: "Hello", "Give Unto Me", "Going Under", "Bring Me To Life", "Taking Over Me", "Solitude"

Favorite Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas

Bad Habbit: Picking her nose

Evanescence PicTures


Evanescence Band Members:

Amy Lee-vocals, piano, keyboards

John LeCompt-guitars

Rocky Gray-drums

Will Boyd-bass

Terry Balsamo-guitars

Ex Evanescence Members:

Ben Moody-ex guitarist

David Hodges- ex keyboardist and backup vocals