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Art does more than mimic the world of the senses.  It communicates a knowledge that is as much not of this world as it is of this world.  Tremendous advances in science and technology brought about a rejection of anything, which could not be empirically known. We of this era have long since acquiesced to the fact that scientific knowledge has proven itself to be greatly insufficient in describing the deeper mysteries of our world and our very selves. 

Dreams are about the unknown, or something unattainable.  Because reality is far too complex for the human mind to ever fully grasp with reason, art should function as a medium for conducting the ‘self’ to a fuller communion with mystery, and things that lie beyond the ‘empirical’.

Admitting to human nature's need for mystery requires accepting the unknown to be as much a part of the reality of our existence, as what is known.  This is what my work speaks about. Thus the viewer participates in imagining images normally ‘unseen’ fully integrated with the ‘seen’ we take for granted.   The style of my work is loose, fragmentary, and at times blurred, capturing the transitory and many-layered quality of an ever-changing empirical world infused with intangible life.

Maggie Mazzucco - 2006


 Mazzucco Art