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ok this page is all about bands or musical people that i like if u don't like them tought shit it's my homepage like i give a shit!!!!!!!!!!


Jonathan Davis : vocals, bagpipes Fieldy : bass David Silveria : drums, percussion James "Munky" Shaffer : guitars Brian "Head" Welch : guitars korn are from Bakersfield, California. korn produced their first self entitled album in the early 90's and have gone on to have great sucess with albums such ad life is peachy, follow the leader and the most recent issues. korn sound can be descibeed as a mixture of traditional rock, from hip-hop and rap, to 70's funk music. whatever u think about korn 1 thing for sure whatever they have or don't have it is certanily working as they are now in the studio writing their 5th album and their sucess keeps growing and growing. u can catch korn on the family values tour to find out more about them please check out my must visit web sites.

rage against the machine

.t.m is to hear one of the most of the most orginall sounds to come out of the 90's. with their own brand of wat can only be descibe as hardcore punk r.a.t.m rockd the natution (america). not only were r.a.t.m talented but they seemed to lead a generation reblioues youths. this was a band they did were anti the american dream that wearn't afraid to stand up and say hey america sux ass. even if your not a r.a.t.m fan check out their web site just the intro is worth watching! watch the into azack de la rocha:vocals timmy c:bass brad wilk:drums tom morello:gutaires. to hear nd tell me did it make anyone else want to cry.

rage against the machine

coby dick: vocals dave buckner:drums tobin:bass jerry horton:guitair papa roach have often been compared to r.a.t.m no in musical style but in lyrical style. people gerally think that papa roach are juat another new nu metal band and they will never get around to writing another album. but papa roach are actuly working on their 4th album at the moment. (shock horror) yes 4th album their first album was (long out of print) caca bonata (you can get download of songs of this album from win mix or napster)their 2nd album was old friends from young years (this is still in print but if u want i you will really have to hunt around 4 it) and their most resent infest. one thing papa roach can never be acused of is shying away from the issues in infest they deal with suicide,alcohol abuse,adh, greed,domestic abuse and many other topic that i just can't be bothered to think of.